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Name Index/723

Brown, Stephen T. Cockey . . .

.............. 608

Bunting, Allen W. .......

................ 528

Brown, Sterling G. ........

.............. 479

Bunting, Jane Disharoon . .

................ 528

Brown, Steve ............

.............. 437

Bupp, Betty ...........

................ 523

Brown, Torrey C. .........

32, 33,46,69, 182, 197

Burall, Catherine ........

................ 488

Brown, Val .............

.............. 518

Burall, William E. .......

................ 133

Brown, Virginia White ......

.............. 478

Burbage, Betty J. .......

................ 527

Brown, W. Leonard ........

.............. 528

Burbage, J. H., Mrs. .....

................ 525

Brown, William A., Jr. .....

.............. 480

Burbage, John Howard . . .

................ 533

Brown, William A. ........

.............. 520

Burch, Catherine M. .....

................ 509

Brown, William J. .........

.............. 281

Burch, Ernest A., Jr. .....

................ 191

Brown, William R. ........

.............. 508

Burch, Francis B. .......

................ 619

Browne, Alberta ..........

.............. 512

Burcham, John B., Jr. ....

............. 373, 509

Browne, Garey M. ........

........... 538

Burchard, Mclvin H. .....

................ 472

Browne, Joseph B. ........

............... 278

Burchette, Mark ........

................ 184

Brownfield, James S. .......

............... 187

Burdette, Franklin L. .....

................ 622

Browning, George M. ......

.............. 491

Burdette, Stephen C. .....

................ 439

Browning, Glenn F. .......


Burgee, Horace F. .......

................ 185

Browning, Paul H. ........

............... 453

Burgess, Elwood ........

................ 513

Bruce, Charles ..........

............... 518

Burgess, George E. ......

................ 622

Bruce, William Cabell ......

........... .615, 625

Burgess, Hugh .........

.............. 42,69

Bruff, William ..........

........... .615,619

Burgess, William ........

................ 604

Brukiewa, Eugene .........

............... 458

Burgess, William J. ......

........... 41, 69, 299

Brumbaugh, John M. .....

............... 293

Burhans, Merrill J. ......

................ 526

Brumbley, Ralph E. .......

............... 525

Burke, Charles .........

................ 462

Brune, Frederick W. ......

........... .617,618

Burke, Henry L. ........

................ 481

Brunner, John J. .........

............... 152

Burke, Joseph P. ........

................ 392

Brother, William .........

............... 233

Burke, Nicholas Charles . . .

................ 617

Bryan, David C. .........

............... 347

Burkhardt, Daniel H. . . . .

................ 365

Bryan, Davis C. .........

............... 392

Burkhardt, William E. . . . .

................ 477

Bryan, Sue .............

............... 489

Bwkhead, William J. . . . . .

.............. 45,70

Bryan, Willard G. ........

............... 479

Burkheimer, Nancy B. . . . .

................ 221

Bryan, William Jennings . . .

............... 631

Burkley, William F. ......

................ 275

Bryan, William S., Jr. .....

............... 619

Burman, Joyce Anne . . . . .

................ 308

Bryan, William Shepard ....

............... 617

Bunnan, Roscoe ........

................ 159

Bryant, Bruce ...........

............... 466

Burner, Gene L. ........

............. 293, 306

Bryant, John R. .........

............... 341

Burnett, Calvin W. ......

............ .257, 357

Bryson, Mary B. .........

............... 622

Bumett, K. King .......

........... 37, 38, 237

Bryson, Robert E. ........

........... .392,479

Bumett, Sidney 0. ......

................ 187

Bryson, Winifred 0. ......

............... 142

Bums, Andrew J., Jr. . , . .

.............. 47,70

Brzowsky, Allen .........

............... 439

Burns, Clarence H. ......

......... 182, 336, 459

Buchanan, Chas. A. ......

............... 621

Burns, Gordon .........

................. 324

Buchanan, Howard A. .....

............... 452

Burns, Luke K., Jr. ......

...... 384, 401, 474, 578

Buchanan, James M. ......

............... 619

Burns, Mary E. ........

................ 434

Buehanan, John .........

........... .616, 618

Bums, Michael W. ......

................ 437

Buchanan, Thomas .......

............... 611

Burr, Aaron ...........

................. 631

Buchanan, William R., Sr. . .

........ 382, 401, 464

Burros, Harriette .......

................. 466

Buchness, John M. .......

............... 525

Burt, Marianne .........

................. 256

Buck, Charles R., Jr. ......

. 104, 125, 167, 212, 251,

Burtner, Leroy R. .......

................. 523



272, 277, 293, 298, 316

Burton, Oswald J., Mrs. . . .

................. 525

Buck, Rodney E. ........

............... 457

Burwell, Helen .........

................. 231

Buck, Walter E., Jr. ......

........ 385, 412, 477

Bush, George .........

................. 570

Buckel, W. Max .........

............... 467

Bush, Joseph A. .......

................. 463

Buckingham, George ......

............... 476

Bush, Martha .........

.......... 388, 474, 497

Buckle, Blair ...........

............... 492

Bushby, George W. .....

................. 230

Buddemeyer, Edward U. ...

............... 200

Bushey, George .......

................. 228

Buddy, James A. ........

............... 502

Bushman, Maryclaire ....

................. 482

Buffone, Samuel W. .......

............... 453

Bushman, Robert P. ....

................. 230

Buford, Phillip N. ........

........... .441, 578

Bushnell, Elisabeth .....

................. 504

Bullen, H. Stafford .......

............... 456

Bushong, E. Stuart .....

................. 622

Bullock, James B. ........

............... 222

Bu&kirk, Harold I. ......

................. 137

Bullock, M. Laverne ......

............... 473

Buskirk, William Van . . .

................. 613

Bullock, Orin M., Jr. ......

............... 150

Buster, Lester .........

............. .182, 213

Bundy, James Lomax .....

........ 385, 412, 459

Buswell, Susan ........

.......... 297, 498, 499

Bundy, Sarah J. .........

............ 186, 344

Butcher, James ........

.......... 606, 611,612

Bunker, Donald .........

............... 194

Butler, Dennett Lee ....

................. 517


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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