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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
Volume 180, Page 703   View pdf image (33K)
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Article XVI

(b) All laws referred under the provisions of this Ar-
ticle shall be submitted separately on the ballots to the
voters of the people, but if containing more than two
hundred words, the full text shall not be printed on the
official ballots, but the Secretary of State shall prepare
and submit a ballot title of each such measure in such
form as to present the purpose of said measure concise-
ly and intelligently. The ballot title may be distinct
from the legislative title, but in any case the legislative
title shall be sufficient. Upon each of the ballots, fol-
lowing the ballot title or text, as the case may be, of
each such measure, there shall be printed the words
"For the referred law" and "Against the referred law,"
as the case may be. The votes cast for and against any
such referred law shall be returned to the Govenor in
the manner prescribed with respect to proposed amend-
ments to the Constitution under Article XIV of this
Constitution, and the Governor shall proclaim the re-
sult of the election, and, if it shall appear that the ma-
jority of the votes cast on any such measure were cast
in favor thereof, the Governor shall by his proclamation
declare the same having received a majority of the votes
to have been adopted by the people of Maryland as a
part of the laws of the State, to take effect thirty days
after such election, and in like manner and with like ef-
fect the Governor shall proclaim the result of the local
election as to any Public Local Law which shall have
been submitted to the voters of any County or of the
City of Baltimore.

SEC. 6.199 No law, licensing, regulating, prohibiting,
or submitting to local option, the manufacture or sale
of malt or spirituous liquors, shall be referred or re-
pealed under the provisions of this Article.


SEC. I.201 The purpose of this Article is to reduce
the number of elections by providing that all State and
county elections shall be held only in every fourth year,
and at the time provided by law for holding congressio-
nal elections, and to bring the terms of appointive offi-
cers into harmony with the changes effected in the time
of the beginning of the terms of elective officers. The
administrative and judicial officers of the State shall
construe the provisions of this Article so as to effectu-
ate that purpose. For the purpose of this Article only
the word "officers" shall be construed to include those
holding positions and other places of employment in
the State and county governments whose terms are
fixed by law, but it shall not include any appointments
made by the Board of Public Works, nor appointments
by the Governor for terms of three years.

SEC. 2.202 Vacant.

''''' Thus amended by Chapter 681, Acts o( 1977, ratified No-
vember 7, 1978.
200 Added by Chapter 227, Acts of 1922, ratified November 7,
201 Originally Article XVII, sec. 11, transferred and amended
by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
202 Left vacant by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Novem-
ber 7, 1978.

Constitution of Maryland/703

SEC. 3.203 All State and county officers elected by
qualified voters (except judges of the Circuit Courts,
judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, judges
of the Court of Appeals and judges of any intermediate
courts of appeal) shall hold office for terms of four
years, and until their successors shall qualify.

SEC. 4.204 The term of office of all Judges and other
officers, for whose election provision is made by this
Constitution, shall, except in cases otherwise expressly
provided herein, commence from the time of their Elec-
tion. All such officers shall qualify as soon after their
election as practicable, and shall enter upon the duties
of their respective offices immediately upon their qualifi-

SEC. 5.205 All officers to be appointed by the Gov-
ernor shall hold office for the terms fixed by law. All
officers appointed by County Commissioners shall hold
office for terms of four years, unless otherwise duly
changed by law.

SEC. 6.206 The terms of the members of the Board
of Supervisors of Elections of Baltimore City and of the
several counties shall commence on the first Monday of
June next ensuing their appointment.

SEC. 7.207 Sections 1, 2, 3, and 5 of this Article do
not apply or refer to members of any elective local
board of education.

SEC. 8.208 If at any election directed by this Consti-
tution, any two or more candidates shall have the
highest and an equal number of votes, a new election
shall be ordered by the Governor, except in cases spe-
cially provided for by this Constitution.

SEC. 9.209 In the event of any inconsistency between
the provisions of this Article and any of the other pro-
visions of the Constitution, the provisions of this Arti-
cle shall prevail, and all other provisions shall be re-
pealed or abrogated to the extent of such inconsistency.


1. Any provision of limited duration adopted pur-
suant to Article XIV is set forth below. As each
expires, it shall stand repealed, and no further action
shall be required to remove it from the Constitution.

203 Originally Article XVII, sec. 1 (a), transferred and amended
by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
204 Originally Article XV, sec. 9, transferred and amended by
Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
205 Originally Article XVII, sec. 4, transferred by Chapter 681,
Acts of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
206 Originally Article XVII, sec. 8, transferred by Chapter 681,
Acts of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
207 Originally Article XVII, sec. 1 (b), transferred and amended
by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
208 Transferred from Article XV, sec. 4, by Chapter 681, Acts
of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
209 Transferred from Article XVII, sec. 13, by Chapter 681,
Acts of 1977, ratified November 7, 1978.
210 Added by Chapter 680, Acts of 1977, ratified November 7,


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
Volume 180, Page 703   View pdf image (33K)
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