ANNE E. BAKER, Democrat, District 14B. Born in Washington, D.C., October 20,
1951. Attended Samuel Ready School, Baltimore; University of Maryland, Baltimore
County; Goucher College. Organizational and political consultant. Member, League
of Women Voters; Common Cause; Maryland Conference of Social Concern. Mem-
ber, Howard County Democratic Central Committee, 1974-1978; treasurer, Mary-
land Democratic Party, 1974-1976; Democratic National Committeewoman, 1976-
1980; vice-chairperson. East Coast Region, Democratic National Committee, 1976-
1980; chairperson, Maryland Democratic Party Affirmative Action, 1974-1978.
Member, Governor's Commission on Adoption Laws. Married to William R, Stall.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. District office: Suite 205, Lakefront
North Bldg., 5550 Sterrett Place, Columbia 21044; tel. 730-6644. Annapolis office:
226 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3200.
RAYMOND E. BECK, Republican, District 4B. Born in Baltimore, March 5, 1939.
Attended Baltimore City and Baltimore County public schools; University of
Baltimore, LL.B., 1967. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1967. Served in the U.S.
Marine Corps, 1956-1959. Former secretary, Carroll County Republican State Cen-
tral Committee. Member, American, Maryland State, and Carroll County Bar Asso-
ciations. Member, Westminster Lions Club; Carroll County Chamber of Commerce;
Taneytown Chamber of Commerce. Member of the House of Delegates since 1972.
Member, House Ways and Means Committee; Minority Whip, 1974- 1978; Minority
Floor Leader, 1978, 1979, 1980. District office: 189 E. Main St., Westminster 21157;
tel. 848-7660. Annapolis office: 312 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3401.
KAY G. BIENEN, Democrat, District 21. Bom in New York, N.Y. Attended New
Rochelle, N.Y., public schools; Skidmore College, B.A., 1959; University of Mary-
land. Member, Maryland Coalition for Gifted and Talented Education. Alternate,
Democratic National Convention, 1972. Member, Women's Political Caucus. Mem-
ber, Board of Directors, past Legislative Chairperson, and member, Committee on
Improved Community Relations, Mental Health Association of Prince George's
County. Member, League of Women Voters of Prince George's County; Citizens Ad-
visory Committee of Greater Laurel Hospital Authority; Laurel Business and Profes-
sional Women; Laurel High School P.T.A.; Laurel Art Guild. Past executive com-
mittee member, Oaklands Citizens Association. Member, Advisory Council, Prince
George's Coalition for the Handicapped, Inc. Married. Member of the House of Del-
egates since 1975. District office: 8016 Sandy Spring Lane, Laurel 20810; tel.
490-5131. Annapolis office: 210 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3114.
DAVID BIRD, Democrat, District 23. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 16, 1945.
Attended Purcell High School, Cincinnati; Xavier University, A.B., 1967; Catholic
University School of Law, J.D., 1974. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1976. Lawyer.
Mayor's Commission for Review of Election Laws, Town of Cheverly, 1975-
1976; Parish Council, St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Cheverly, 1975-1977; District
of Columbia Teachers' Union delegate to COPE, Prince George's County, 1970.
Member, Ohio, Maryland State, and District of Columbia Bar Associations. Legal
Panel, NAACP, Prince George's County; Trial Practice, Cross-Examination, Title
VII Seminar, 1977; member, Prince George's Choral Society. Edited and provided
commentary for chapters on Calendars, Presidential Veto, Legislative Veto, and Ap-
propriations for Deschler's Precedents of the House of Representatives. Married; 2 chil-
dren. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 5809 Annapolis
Rd., Suite 506, Hyattsville 20784; tel. 864-6262. Annapolis office: 203 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 841-3058.