5 28/Mary land Manual
Civil Defense and Emergency Preparedness
Allen W. Bunting, Director ..........
Edward S. Cropper, alternate ..'......
Fire Marshal
Edward S. Cropper ..............
Medical Examiner
Thomas Jones, M.D. .............
Health Department
Donald Harting, M.D., Health Officer . .
Board of Education
W. Leonard Brown, Chairperson ....... 1981
Elbridge Cropper ................. 1982
Marion L. Butler ................. 1983
Warner Wilson .................. 1983
Ralph L. Chapman, Jr. ............. 1984
Alma T. Pruitt ................... 1984
Jane Disharoon Bunting ............ 1985
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Francis A. Ruffo .............
Library Board
Donald F. McCabe, President ........ 1982
Judy Quillen, Vice-President .......... 1980
Mrs. William C. Mariner, Secretary .... 1984
Mrs. George H. Dryden, Treasurer ..... 1981
Ruth C. Westfall ................. 1981
Mrs. Richard Ward ............... 1982
Richard Phillips .................. 1983
Claudya Muller .................
Social Services Board
Marion W. Delano, Chairperson ......
Polly Robertson, Vice-Chairperson .....
Elsie Briddell ...................
Marie Doughty .................
Theo Hauck ...................
Maude Love ...................
Rev. James Seymour ..............
Rev. Thomas Wall ...............
Director of Social Services
Baine Yates ....................
CETA Personnel
E. Carmel Wilson ................
Children's Council
Thomas Dorman, Chairperson ........
Commission on Aging
Jean Monroe, Chairperson ..........
Board of Recreation and Parks
Ben Nelson, Chairperson ............
Recreation and Parks Director
Thomas B. Westcott ..............
Planning Commission
Edward Phillips, Chairperson ........ 1980
Edward R. Bounds ............... 1981
Paul Cutler .................... 1981
R. Blaine Smith ................. 1982
Granville Trimper ................ 1982
Harry Cherrix .................. 1984
W. David Stevens ................ 1984
Harold W. Morris, Planning Director . . .
Zoning Appeals Board
Randolph F. Wilkerson, Chairperson . . . 1984
Dwight E. Campbell .............. 1981
Robert B. Jackson ................ 1981
Cashar J. Hickman ............... 1984
E. Page Boston .................. 1984
Elbridge Murray, alternate .......... 1984
Department of Building, Zoning and Inspection
Jennings Quillin, Chief of Inspections . . .
Economic Development Committee
Thomas Northam, Chairperson .......
Shoreline Commission^
Norman R. Connell, Chairperson ...... 1982
Herman P. Taylor ................ 1981
William Wimbrow ................ 1981
John Scott ..................... 1983
Gilbert Thompson ................ 1984
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners, ex
officio .......................
County Roads Engineer1'1
E. Victor Smullen ................
Machine Licenses Inspector
James Dryden ..................
Bingo Board"
Joseph F. Hill, Sr. ................ 1981
Jim Tilghman ................... 1983
Charles Parker, Jr. ............... 1985
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Charles R. Jenkins, Chairperson ...... 1981
77 Chapter 690, Acts of 1963.
78 Chapter 221, Acts of 1957.
79 Appointed by the Governor as per Chapter 266, Acts of