526/Maryland Manual
Recreation Commission
Marion Evans, Jr., Chairperson .......
Department of Recreation and Parks
Gary W. Mackes, Director ..........
Planning and Zoning Commission
John C. Somers, Jr., Chairperson ...... 1981
Betty K. Gardner, County Council .....
Corinne Lescallette ................ 1981
Samuel Seidel ................... 1981
Charles W. dark ................. 1982
Department of Planning and Zoning
Merrill J. Burhans, Director of Planning .
Board of Zoning Appeals
Max Hughes, Chairperson ........... 1982
J. Phillips Wright ................. 1980
Louise D. Harcum ................ 1982
Duncan C. Augustine .............. 1983
Walter Webb .................... 1983
Seth C. Taylor, alternate ............ 1982
Rudolph Cane, alternate ............ 1983
Zoning Administrator
William Porter ..................
Roads Engineer
C. Kirk Banks ..................
Department of Public Works
Delbert M. Davis, Jr., Director .......
Building Inspector
Joseph Heam ..................
Urban Services Commission
County Council, ex officio ..........
Airport Commission
Edward J. Kremer, Chairperson .......
Board of Electrical Examiners
Ernest C. Matthews, Chairperson ...... 1981
Frank Lynch .................... 1981
R. Paul Hall .................... 1982
Thomas C. Thompson ............. 1982
Robert dark .................... 1983
Plumbing Board
Harold Bowman ................
Personnel Board
Russell E. Nichols, Chairperson ....... 1981
Ronald C. Holloway .............. 1981
Charles Messick .................. 1981
Frank Morris ................... 1981
Daniel Ulm ..................... 1981
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Darley Travers, Chairperson ......... 1982
Rebecca Farlow ................. 1981
Orville Jackson .................. 1982
Liquor License Inspector
Vernon Phillips ..................
Liquor Control Board
Philip Lee Tilghman, Chairperson ..... 1981
Roslyn P. Jaffe .................. 1981
William P. Long ................. 1981
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Donald P. Hopkins, Jr., Chairperson . . .
H. Clifford Insley, Jr. .............
Harry Insley ....................
Howard Insley ..................
Harland Thomas Jones ............
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory
Mary L. Nook, Chairperson .........
Extension Agents
George E. Monroe, Chairperson .......
Sharon M. Bagwell ...............
Bettie Wolfe Collins ..............
Ellen P. Pusey ..................
Wayne V. Shaft .................
Vaughn White ..................
one vacancy .....................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
C. Edward Holloway, Chairperson ..... 1984
Crawford D. Rayne, Vice-Chairperson . . 1982
Richard Wright, Treasurer .......... 1981
Robert M. Davis (County appointee) . . .
William I. Guy .................. 1983
Wayne V. Shaff, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ............
Michael P. Sigrist, District Conservationist
County Seat: Snow Hill 21863
Origin: Created from Somerset County, by Chap-
ter 9. Acts of 1742.
Name: Named after the Earl of Worcester.
Form of Government: Code Home Rule (1976)
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Worcester County (1961) with supplements.