516/Maryland Manual
Budget Officer
Joseph P. O'Dell ................
Personnel Officer
Gerda Manson .................
Purchasing and Logistic Services
Paul R. Raley, Director ............
Department of Inspection and Permits
James Weber, Chief ...............
Airport Commission"
George Sullivan, Chairperson ........
Plumbing Board
A. Vernon Saunders, Chairperson .....
Electrical Board**
Kirk Sterling, Chairperson ..........
Electrical Inspector
George Wiggins .................
County Engineer
John B. Norris, Jr. ...............
Roads Engineer
John D. Raley, Jr. ...............
Animal Warden
Wayne Delorier .................
Gail Johnson, Assistant ............
Oystermen 's Tongers Advisory Committee
Benjamin Goddard, Chairperson ......
Eddie Davis ...................
Harry Huseman .................
Gus Thompson .................
James Goldie Thompson, Jr. ........
Extension Agents
Florence B. Lanham, Chairperson .....
Frances Jones, Program Assistant ......
David L. Chapman ...............
Hope M. Martin ................
Edward L. Swecker ..............
R. Douglas Vogel ...............
Patricia S. White ................
Jean E. Woolsey ................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
James B. Beaven, Chairperson ........ 1982
Robert A. Stevens, Vice-Chairperson .... 1981
James Woodburn, Treasurer ......... 1984
Dan Donnelly (County appointee) .....
A. E. Vemon Saunders ............. 1983
" Chapter 154, Acts of 1972.
68 Chapter 304, Acts of 1972.
Patricia S. White, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ............
John W. Hall IV, District Conservationist
Timothy Prink, District Manager ......
County Seat: Princess Anne 21853
Origin: Created by an Order in Council in 1666.
Name: Named after Mary Somerset, sister-in-law
of Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Somerset County (1963) with supplements.
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Somerset County ................ 17,827
Dist. 1, West Princess Anne ....... 2,481
Dist. 2, St. Peters .............. 523
Dist. 3, Brinkleys .............. 1,422
Dist. 4, Dublin ................ 1,250
Dist. 5, Mount Vemon .......... 804
Dist. 6, Fail-mount ............. 620
Dist. 7. Crisfield ............... 2,998
Dist. 8, Lawsons ............... 1,828
Dist. 9, Tangier ............... 439
Dist. 10, Smith Island ........... 599
Dist. 11, Dames Quarter ......... 213
Dist. 12, Asbury ............... 1,095
Dist. 13, Westover ............. 869
Dist. 14, Deal Island ............ 628
Dist. 15, East Princess Anne ....... 2,058
Area: 378 sq. miles
Princess Anne 21853 Telephone: 651-1555
(Circuit Court)