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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Lutherville-Timonium, 24,055; Hillcrest Heights,
24,037; Camp Springs, 22,776; and Arbutus,

Education. Public Schools (1978-79) in Mary-
land include 859 elementary, 147 middle, and 329
high schools, with an enrollment of 809,933 stu-
dents; average cost per pupil, $1,843. Public-high
school graduates, 55,880; percent intending to
continue their education, 42.1. Nonpublic schools
in Maryland (1978-79) include 275 kindergarten
or pre-kindergarten, 270 elementary, 108 middle,
and 66 high schools, with an enrollment of
126,172. A tripartite system of public higher edu-
cation in Maryland includes 17 community col-
leges, 8 four-year colleges and universities, and
the University of Maryland. Among private post
secondary institutions are 3 two-year colleges, 20
four-year colleges and universities, and approxi-
mately 160 proprietary schools. Federal funds
support the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis.

Libraries. Twenty-four public library systems in-
clude 171 public libraries and 34 bookmobiles,
with total collections of more than 9.5 million
items. School library media centers are located in
1,295 elementary, middle, and secondary schools,
with total collections of nearly 14 million items.
The Maryland State Library Network provides
resources to local libraries throughout the State.
The Network is composed of the State Library
Resource Center (Enoch Pratt Free Library, Cen-
tral Building), three Regional Library Resource
Centers (Eastern Shore, Southern Maryland,
Western Maryland), four Metropolitan Referral
Centers (Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Montgomery,
and Prince George's counties), and academic li-
braries, including Catonsville and Essex Commu-
nity Colleges, The Johns Hopkins University Li-
braries, Towson State University, and Libraries of
the University of Maryland.

Medical Care. Licensed personnel: 21,000 physi-
cians; 39,000 registered nurses; 14,000 practical

Maryland at a Glance/5

nurses; 4,547 dentists; 1,820 dental hygienists. Li-
censed facilities: 50 general hospitals, 9 chronic
disease hospitals, 23 mental institutions, 1 tuber-
culosis institution, 1 penal institution hospital, 6
special hospitals, 184 nursing homes (comprehen-
sive care), 26 nursing homes (personal care), 12
alcoholic intermediate care facilities, 41 domicili-
ary care homes, 8 residential treatment centers for
emotionally disturbed youth, and 10 mental retar-
dation centers.

Principal Holidays.
New Year's Day, January 1

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, Birthday,
January 15

Lincoln's Birthday, February 12

Washington's Birthday,
Third Monday in February

Maryland Day, March 25
Good Friday
Memorial Day, May 30
Independence Day, July 4
Labor Day, First Monday in September
Defenders' Day, September 12
Columbus Day, October 12
Election Day
Veterans' Day, November 11
Thanksgiving Day, Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day, December 25


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
Volume 180, Page 5   View pdf image (33K)
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