492/Maryland Manual
Merit System Board
Robert Stemple, Chairperson ........
Sanitary Commission
C. 0. Morris, Chairperson ..........
E. Lawrence Groves, Vice-Chairperson . .
Jeanne C. Devine ................
Harry Filemyr ..................
William Thoman ................
Development Corporation Board of Directors
J. H. Jackson, Chairperson ..........
Wayne B. Hamilton, Vice-Chairperson . .
Karol Rush, Secretary .............
Irvin R. Rudy, Jr., Treasurer ........
Ross Crowe ...................
George C. Edwards ..............
Max Messenger .................
Thomas D. Jones, Executive Director . . .
Planning Commission
Charles C. Bender, Chairperson ....... 1981
Ernest J. Gregg, Jr., County
Commissioner .................
Col. J. Haig Jackson ............... 1981
Merle Garletts ................... 1983
George E. Brady, Jr. ............... 1984
Joyce D. Bishoff ................. 1985
Celeste Lascaris .................. 1985
Tim Dugan, Planning Director .......
Zoning Appeals Board
Jack Lear, Chairperson ............
Robert Railey, Vice-Chairperson ......
Blair Buckle ...................
Betty Friend ...................
William Savage .................
Susan Crawford, alternate ..........
Vacancy, alternate ...............
Zoning Administrator
John Nelson ...................
Herbert McCrobie, Administrative
Engineer ....................
Maryland Potomac Water Authority
Truman E. Paugh, member .........
H. Lester Hunter, alternate .........
Upper Potomac River Commission
John Adams, Jr. ................. 1985
Airport Advisory Commission
Robert Railey, Chairperson .........
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners, ex
officio ......................
Liquor Control Board and Board of License
Brenda Butscher ................. 1982
George D. Meese ................ 1984
William E. Naylor ................ 1986
Extension Agents
James A. McHenry, Chairperson ......
Alice Hevner ...................
Lawrence F. Little ...............
Jane G. Rentschler ...............
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
George Bishoff, Chairperson ......... 1983
Harry W. Hummel, Vice-Chairperson ... 1980
Claude Wagner, Jr., Treasurer ........ 1982
Walter Margroff ................. 1981
Harley Brenneman, (County appointee) . .
James A. McHenry, Extension Agent.
Secretary (non-voting) ............
Marvin Kolb, Junior Supervisor .......
John T. Reckner, Jr., District
Conservationist .................
Shaun Sanders, District Manager ......
County Seat: Bel Air 21014
Origin: Erected from Baltimore County by Chap-
ter 6, Acts of 1773.
Name: Named for Henry Harford, last Propri-
etary of Maryland. He was a son of Frederick
Calvert, Sixth Lord Baltimore, but because of
his illegitimate birth did not inherit the title.
Form of Government: Charter (1972)
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Harford County (1978).
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Harford County ................. 144,065
Dist. 1, Abingdon ............... 40,820
Dist. 2, Halls Cross Roads ......... 26,595