47 6/Maryland Manual
Community Development Division
Robert A. Blair, Coordinator ........
Economic Development Commission
G. Herbert Rice, Jr., Chairperson ...... 1981
Community Action Committee
Louis V. Beard, Chairperson ........
Bureau of Aging
Janice Watkins, Chief .............
Board of Governors of the Farm Museum"
John B. Joy, Chairperson ............ 1981
Emma Hofferberth, Director ........
Camp Hashawha Board of Governors2''
J. Michael Robbins, Chairperson .....
Barry L. Bosley, Program Supervisor . . .
Historic District Commission
H. Jerry Fair .................... 1980
Vacancy ....................... 1981
Brucc Hoover ................... 1982
Robert E. Myers ................. 1982
Carl Peters ..................... 1982
Mrs. J. Howard West .............. 1982
James Woodward ................. 1982
Building Code Review Board
George Grogan, Chairperson ........
Industrial Development Authority
G. Melvin Mills, Jr., Chairperson .....
Department a/Administration and Finance
Eugene C. Curtman, Acting Director . . .
Linda Harchenhom, Administrative
Secretary .....................
Bureau of the Budget
Vacancy, Chief .................
Bureau of Accounting
Eugene C. Curfman, Chief ..........
Bureau of Data Processing
Thomas Van de Bussche, Chief ......
Bureau of Purchasing
Thomas Crum, Chief .............
Bureau of Internal Audit
Vacancy, Chief .................
25 Board of County Commissioners Resolution 10-65, adopted
June 28, 1965.
26 Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners as per
Board of County Commissioners Resolution 26-76.
Bureau of Personnel
Vacancy, Chief ..................
Department of Public Works^
John T. Sterling, Jr., Director ........
Joseph Everly, Administrative Assistant . .
Peggy Conrad, Administrative Secretary .
Bureau of Highway Maintenance
Benton Watson, Chief .............
Bureau of Planning and Engineering
Andrew M. Daneker, Chief .........
Bureau of Utilities
Wayne Lewns, Chief ..............
Bureau of Utilities Advisory Council"
Lloyd Baker, Chairperson ........... 1981
Samuel E. Breth, Vice-Chairperson ..... 1981
Zygmunde C. Sobak, Secretary-Treasurer 1981
A. Olin Grimes .................. 1981
William H. Heinekamp ............ 1981
Earl R. Fox, Administrator ..........
Department of General Services
Karl R. Alexander, Director .........
Bureau of Grounds Maintenance
Michael Whitson, Chief ............
Bureau of Building Maintenance
Thomas Bowers, Chief .............
Bureau of Vehicle Maintenance
George Buckingham, Chief ..........
Bureau of Construction Management
Vacancy, Chief ..................
Board of License Commissioners
Eugene Willis, Chairperson .......... 1983
Walter V. Bennett ................ 1981
William V. Lauterbach ............. 1982
M. Dwight Bouis, Inspector .........
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory
Melvin E. Leppo, Chairperson ........
Extension Agents
Robert L. Jones, Chairperson ........
Walter C. Bay ..................
2<la Created by Chapter 739, Acts of 1978.
27 By Chapter 739, Acts of 1978 the Sanitary Commission be-
came part of the Department of Public Works. Its name was
changed to the Advisory Council to the Water-Wastewater Di-
vision, which has since become the Bureau of Utilities.