474/Maryland Manual
Estimated Population, 1980: 117,400
Area: 456 sq. miles
Circuit Court
Courthouse and Court Annex Building
Westminster 21157 Telephone: 848-4500
District Court
Court Annex Building
Westminster 21157 Telephone: 848-2146
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury, second Monday in
May and November; Petit Jury, second Mon-
day in February, May, August, and November.
Orphans' Court Days—Mondays and Tuesdays.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
Donald J. Gilmore ................ 1993
Luke K. Burns, Jr. ................ 1995
Circuit Court Clerk
Larry W. Shipley ................. 1982
District Court Judges
Vacancy, Administrative Judge .......
Donald M. Smith ................. 1981
Francis M. Arnold ................ 1990
Martha Bush, Administrative Clerk ....
Gloria Hafner, Chief Clerk .........
Orphans' Court Judges
Lester Shipley, Chief Judge .......... 1982
Melvin G. Miller ................. 1982
Marcus B. Pickett ................ 1982
Register of Wills
Reese Leppo Starner ............... 1982
Harry LeRoy Campbell ............ 1982
State's Attorney
Thomas Edward Hickman ........... 1982
District Public Defender
J. Robert Johnson ...............
Michael S. Levin, Assistant .........
Law Clerks'"
Albert McComas ................
James Porter ...................
''' Chapter 173, Acts of 1970.
Jury Commissioner10
Hellen Widennan ................
Board of County Commissioners
County Office Building
225 North Center Street
Westminster 21157 Telephone: 848-4500
(Metropolitan Baltimore) 876-2085
Meeting Days: Monday, 1:30 P.M., Tuesday and
Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Board of County Commissioners
Roger L. Mann, President .......... 1982
J. Norman Graham ............... 1982
Louis B. Scharon ................ 1982
Ruth M. Dutterer, Clerk ...........
Charles W. Thompson, Jr., Attorney ....
dark R. Shaffer, Assistant Attorney ....
George A. Grier, Administrative
Assistant" ....................
Supervisor of Assessments
J. Thomas Holmes ...............
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Edgar M. Palmer, Chairperson ....... 1981
Thurston E. Ensor ............... 1981
June Gosnell ................... 1981
John C. Berwager, substitute ......... 1981
Ruby Condon, substitute ........... 1981
Fire Board
Jerry Lease, President .............
Fire Marshal
Ellwood Kauffman ...............
Civil Defense
Stnver V- Rohrer, Director . .
Central Communications Control
Clarence Souders, Chief ............
Deputy Medical Examiner
Richard A. Jones, M.D. ............
Health Department
Vacancy, Health Officer ............
Richard Isaac, Environmental Health
Director .....................
Hospital Board
Irvin Goodman, President ........... 1980
20 Chapter 173, Acts of 1970.
21 Chapter 625, Acts of 1970.