County Agencies
Health Department
David Rogers, M.D., Health Officer . . .
James Herringman, Environmental Health
Director .....................
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Patricia Bash ...................
Robert Bennan .................
William C. Campbell .............
James Hamill ..................
Page Jett ......................
Mary N. Loew .................
E. Lloyd Robertson ..............
Daniel Sheridan .................
Margaret Peterson, ex officio ........
George McK. Phillips, ex officio ......
David Rogers, ex officio ...........
Commission on Physical Fitness
Carol Miller, Chairperson ..........
Larry Forman ..................
Carolyn Gray ..................
Robert Schlager, M.D. ............
June Whittington ................
Human Relations Commission
Marie Andrews .................. 1980
Board of Education
John R. Ward ................... 1981
Hagner R. Mister ................. 1982
Nancy Zinn ..................... 1983
Wilson H. Parran ................. 1985
Shirley Slusher ................... 1985
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Eugene Karol ...............
Board of Library Trustees
Russell Costley .................. 1982
Prentiss Porter ................... 1982
Mildred Pinion .................. 1983
Margaret Moran ................. 1983
Mrs. Homer McCann .............. 1984
Betty Gross ..................... 1985
James Wilfong ................... 1985
Gary Vaughn, Administrator ........
Social Services Board
Mary Dunbar, Chairperson .......... 1982
Garner T. "Pete" Grover, County
Commissioner .................
Wallace Hall .................... 1981
Joan Howlin .................... 1981
Irene B. Williams ................. 1981
Margaret Nelson ................. 1982
Dorothy Plummer ................ 1982
Calvert County/469
Frances McCammon .............. 1983
Lloyd Robertson ................. 1983
Director of Social Services
Olin A. Dovel, Jr. ................
Children's Council
Quinn Slusher, Chairperson ..........
Commission on Aging
Basil Pitzen, Chairperson ........... 1982
Department of Planning and Zoning
Frank Jaklitsch, Director ...........
Planning Commission
Isabelle Berezoski, Chairperson ....... 1981
Charles G. Spicknall .............. 1981
David M. King .................. 1982
Veda Taylor .................... 1982
Earl Thome .................... 1982
Charles Howes .................. 1983
Maurice Dunkle ................. 1984
Historic District Commission
Richard Sinclair, Chairperson ........ 1983
Zoning Appeal Board
Young D. Hance, Chairperson ........ 1983
John W. Leitch III ............... 1982
William Middleton ............... 1983
Elbert Turner ................... 1983
Board of Electrical Examiners and
James Swicklas .................. 1981
Hugh Wells .................... 1981
Dennis Wood ................... 1981
Road Supervisor
Mike Moore ....................
Building Board
Judy Bibb .....................
George N. Chaney ...............
David Gray ....................
John Howlin ...................
Dick Mulford ...................
Elliott Sheckells .................
Department of Community Resources
William Campbell, Director .........
Industrial Park Authority1'1
Jesse Reid, Chairperson ............ 1982
Gordon Trueman, County Commissioner .
15 Chapter 367, Acts of 1967.
16 Chapter 143, Acts of 1969.