462/Maryland Manual
Division of Waste Collection
Leonard B. Folio, Chief ...........
Division of Waste Disposal
Jacob Bochinski, Chief ............
Division of Solid Waste Engineering
Singh Patheja, Chief ..............
Bureau of General Services
Edward T. Marshall, Chief .........
Division of Building Operations and Maintenance
William E. Manlier, Chief ..........
Division of Motor Vehicles and Mechanical Shops
Nayland D. Jones, Chief ...........
Division of Abandoned Vehicles
Charles Burke, Chief ..............
Division of Applications and Licenses
Bertram S. Berman, Chief ..........
Bureau of Markets and Comfort Stations
Art Tittel, Superintendent of Markets and
Harbor Master ................
Gas Appliance Board
Joseph Drechsler, Chairperson .......
Qff-Street Parking Commission'
Carroll J. Fitzgerald, Acting Chairperson
Robert T. Schaffner, Director ........
Lexington Market Authority
James O'C. Gentry ................ 1981
Labor Commissioner
Jeffrey Austin ..................
Most licenses required under the City code are is-
sued by the Assistant Cashier, Bureau of Re-
ceipts, in the office of the Treasurer. Licenses
required under the State code are issued by the
Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas.
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
James L. McCully, Chairperson ....... 1981
Dolores Canoles .................. 1981
George Grafton Brown ............. 1981
Board of Bail Bond License Commissioners
Mary Ellen Brooke, Chairperson ....... 1980
8 Ordinance No. 388, July 2, 1948.
Internal Administration
Other departments of internal administration are
within the Comptroller's office.
Civil Service Commission
David Albright, President ........... 1985
Hilda Ford, Director ..............
Retirement Systems of the City of Baltimore
Hyman A. Pressman, Comptroller,
Chairperson of the Board of Trustees,
ex officio ....................
M. L. Leslie, Administrator ..........
Extension Service
Extension Agents
Stephanie D. Brown, Chairperson .....
Gwendolyn Bell .................
John T. Camngton ...............
Gary F. Creighton ...............
Jacquelyn E. Keller ...............
Robert R. Raybits ...............
Ellen N. Varley .................
Miscellaneous Boards and Commissions
Civic Center Commission9
Robert S. Hillman, Chairperson ....... 1984
Bureau of Kosher Meat and Food Control
Hiller Soclof, Chairperson ........... 1981
Architectural Commission
William D. Schaefer, Mayor, Director, ex
officio .......................
Edward Oppel, Secretary ...........
Leon Bridges ................... 1983
F. Barton Harvey, Jr. ............. 1983
Samuel L. Silber ................. 1983
Civic Design Commission
Paula Rome, Chairperson ........... 1981
Commission for Historical and Architectural
James E. Lewis, Chairperson .........
Kathleen Gilbert) Acting Director .....
Mayor's Advisory Committee on Small Business10
Reuben H. Levenson, Chairperson .....
Herman Katkow, Director ..........
v Chapter 7, Acts of 1956 Spec. Sess.
10 Established by Executive Order in June 1960, the Committee
consists of 8 members. The Director is appointed by the Mayor.