460/Maryland Manual
Hyman A. Pressman ............... 1983
Department of Real Estate
Jerome Goldfein, Real Estate Officer . . .
Director of Finance
Charles L. Benton ...............
Bureau of Accounting Operations
Lloyd W. Jones, Chief ............
Board of Finance
William D. Schaefer, Mayor .........
Hyman A. Pressman, Comptroller .....
Frederica Lynth Baxter ............. 1983
W. Thomas Gisriel ................ 1983
Robert S. Schaefer ................ 1983
City Council Office of Financial Review
Ronny J. Goldsmith, Fiscal Advisor . . .
Daniel Paul ....................
Supervisor of Assessments
Roland W. Cromwell .............
Board a/Supervisors a/Elections
David J. Preller, Sr., Chairperson ...... 1981
Percy Davis ..................... 1981
Marshall W. Jones, Jr. ............. 1981
Carl Adair, substitute .............. 1981
John C. Donohue, substitute ......... 1981
Permanent Board of Registry
Barbara E. Jackson ..............
Cornelius L. Jones ...............
City Solicitor
Benjamin L. Brown ..............
Department of Legislative Reference
Bernard F. Murphy, Director ........
Richard J. Cox, City Archivist and
Records Management Officer .......
Public Safety
Police Commissioner
Donald D. Pomerleau .............. 1984
Jail Board
H. Mebane Turner, President ......... 1982
Baltimore City Jail
Calvin A. Lightfoot, Warden ........
Martena Green, Director, Women's
Detention Center ...............
Chief Medical Examiner
Russell S. Fisher, M.D. ............
Fire Department
Peter J. O'Connor, Jr., Chief .........
Board of Fire Commissioners
Vacancy, President ...............
Department of Transit and Traffic
C. Richard McCauley, Commissioner . . . 1980
Office of Disaster Control and Civil Defense
William C. Codd II, Director ........
Mayor's Traffic Safety Commission
Mose Ottenheimer II, Chairperson .....
Health, Education, and Welfare
Health Department
John B. DeHoff, M.D., M.P.H.,
Commissioner .................
Susan Guamieri, M.D., Assistant
Commissioner, Clinical Services .....
Zenita Thweatt, M.D., Assistant
Commissioner, Maternal and Child
Health ......................
Dr. Marc Lipton, Assistant Commissioner,
Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and
Addictions ....................
Frank Hoot, Assistant Commissioner,
Environmental Health ............
Patricia Thomes, Assistant Commissioner,
Health Services/or the Aging .......
Baltimore City Hospital Commission
Elmont B. Drayton, Chairperson ......
George Haverecheck, Director ........
Board of School Commissioners
David C. Daneker, President ......... 1980
Beryl W. Williams, Vice-President ..... 1984
Grover L. McCrea, Jr. ............. 1980
Howard E. Marshall .............. 1980
Ann Jackson ................... 1982
Ruth Silverstone ................. 1982
Joseph Lee Smith ................ 1982
Dr. Monroe Saunders, Sr. .......... 1984
Robert L. Walker ................ 1984
Superintendent a/Instruction
Dr. John L. Crew, Sr. .............
Community College of Baltimore
Dr. Rafael L. Cortada, President ......