County Agencies
Economic Development
Jeffrey Koenig, Administrator ........
Community Affairs and Information Office
Patricia Moran, Management Assistant .
Londontown Publik House Commission
Jack Keene, Administrator ..........
Dr. James Bradford, Chairperson .....
Charlotte O'Leary, Vice-Chairperson . . .
Laura Brennan .................
Edward 0. Wayson, Jr. ............
one vacancy ....................
Department a/Inspections and Permits
J. Michael Evans, Director ..........
Plumbing Commission
Thomas M. Branzell, President .......
Louis Alcamo ..................
William E. Bouchal ..............
N. Singh Dhillon ................
James C. Fitzsimmons, Jr. ..........
Joseph A. Mayer ................
Calvin Shilling ..................
Electrical Board
Harold Bausum, Chairperson ........
John Gomoljak .................
Charles Taylor III ...............
Josiah Tice, Jr. ..................
Board.of'Liquor License Commissioners
George M. King, Chairperson ........ 1981
John Gary, Jr. ................... 1981
Adam Glenn White ............... 1981
Gas Commission
Thomas M. Branzell, President .......
Joseph Drechler .................
H. Leeds Heidler ................
Donald Parlett ..................
Personnel Board
Mark A. Anderson, Chairperson ......
Diane A. England ...............
Cooper Smith, Jr. ................
Office a/Personnel
Don A. Pennington, Director ........
Office of Central Services
Thomas B. Cotton, Central Service Officer
Purchasing Agent
Richard A. Conway ..............
Baltimore City/45 7
Buildings and Grounds
Egnice R. Kriger ................
Data Processing
Hugh Carrington ................
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
William R. "Jim" Cantler, Chairperson . .
Frances H. Darnell ...............
Rodney E. "Buck" Gardner .........
Rodney Gross ..................
George F. Wilde .................
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board
Martin Zehner, Chairperson .........
Extension Agents
G. David Hitchcock, Chairperson .....
Joanne Bordelon .................
C. Timothy Dyson ...............
Deborah Fry ...................
Wallace T. Garrett ...............
Carol R. Ligon ..................
Constance Pergerson ..............
Ella P. Smart ...................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Ray F. Chapman, (County appointee)
Chairperson ...................
Abbie Ringenbach, Vice-Chairperson ... 1981
Clifton H. Wayson, Treasurer ........ 1984
Edward 0. Shepherd .............. 1982
Isaac Winterson Prout ............. 1983
Wallace T. Garrett, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ............
James W. Wist, Jr., District
Conservationist .................
I. Preston Isaacs, District Manager .....
Origin: Originally incorporated by Chapter 68,
Acts of 1796. Baltimore City, as a governmen-
tal unit, was separated from Baltimore County
in 1851.
Name: The name of Baltimore City, like that of
Baltimore County, derives from the name of
the proprietary's Irish Barony.