452/Maryland Manual
Ronald F. Rice .................
Supervisor a/Assessments
J. Brooke Fradiska ...............
Board of Election Supervisors
George Waingold ................. 1981
Marguerite Lashley ............... 1981
Amel Muir ..................... 1981
Audrey Thompson, substitute ......... 1981
Helen Walburn, substitute ........... 1981
Permanent Board of Registry
Elizabeth Darby .................
Sara Rank .....................
Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness Agency
Charles G. Smith, Director ..........
Fire Marshal
Robert Shimer ..................
Deputy Medical Examiner
Benedict Skitarelic, M.D. ..........
Memorial Hospital of Cumberland, Board of
George M. Wychoff, Jr., Chairperson . .
Rebecca Anne Reuse, Vice-Chairperson .
John J. Coyle, County Commissioner . . .
Frank Nethken, Mayor of Cumberland .
G. 0. Himmelwright .............
Richard E» Manning ..............
Robert A. Reinhard ..............
Richard Schwab .................
William L. Wilson ...............
Board of Health
Board of County Commissioners, ex
officio ......................
Board of Health Advisory Board
Jane Dawson, Chairperson ..........
Health Department
Jane Fiscus, M.D., Health Officer .....
Gaylord Brooks, Environmental Health
Director .....................
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Rodger Simons, M.D., Chairperson ....
Physical Fitness Commission
0. Delbert Proudfoot, Chairperson ....
' Chapter 319, Acts of 1971.
2 Chapter 411, Acts of 1927, as amended by Chapter 515, Acts
of 1929 and Chapter 546, Acts of 1970.
Ray Kiddy, Vice-Chairperson ........
Albert D. Darby, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer
Nursing Home Governing Board'
James Robertson, Chairperson ........
Edward Dressman, Vice-Chairperson . . .
School Board4
Philip B. Wendt ................. 1981
R. Neil Williams ................. 1981
R. Margaret Hamilton ............. 1983
0. Delbert Proudfoot ............. 1983
Mary M. Robb .................. 1983
Superintendent of Schools
Wayne W. Hill ..................
Allegany Community College
Donald R. Alexander, President ......
Allegany Community College Board of Trustees
Howard A. Buchanan ............. 1980
Kenneth A. Jackson .............. 1981
David H. Miller ................. 1982
J. Frederick Sharer ............... 1982
Thomas B. Finan, Jr. .............. 1983
Miriam D. Sanner ................ 1984
Stan Zorick .................... 1985
Board of Library Trustees
Lawrence Kyle .................. 1981
Margaret Scarpelli ................ 1981
Bemice Friedland ................ 1983
John Byrd ..................... 1984
John Searles .................... 1984
David R. Willets ................. 1984
Frederick W. Warnick ............. 1985
Robert L. Neal ..................
Social Services Board
Arthur T. Bond, County Commissioner . .
Evelyn Powell .................. 1981
Frank Tomko ................... 1981
Anita Comfort .................. 1982
William Tiozzo .................. 1982
James White .................... 1982
John McGreevy ................. 1983
William Van Newkirk ............. 1983
Norman Wallace ................. 1983
Director of Social Services
Richard Paulman ................
3 County Commissioners' Resolution 80-5, Jan. 11, 1980.
4 Chapter 491, Acts of 1974.