Planning Director: Appointed by the Planning
and Zoning Commission for indefinite terms. In
Howard County the Director is appointed by the
County Executive, and in Harford County by the
County Executive with Council confirmation
(Code 1957, Art. 66B, sec. 3.04).
Board of Zoning Appeals: Consists of three or five
members appointed for three-year staggered terms
by the governing body of the county (Code 1957,
Art. 66B, sec. 4.07).
Historic District Commission: Consists of from
three to seven persons, all of whom are qualified
by a special interest in history, architecture, ur-
ban design, or other relevant fields. Members are
appointed by the governing body of the county
for three-year terms and may be reappointed
(Code 1957, Art. 66B, sec. 8.03).
Sanitary Commission: Consists of three members
appointed by the governing body of the county
for six-year terms, one term expiring every two
years. In Allegany County the Commission con-
sists of seven members. In Dorchester and Kent
counties membership may be enlarged to five per-
sons. In Garrett and Somerset counties each Com-
mission consists of five members. In Charles
County a three-member Commission is appointed
for four-year terms (Code 1957, Art. 43, sec. 649).
Economic Development Commission: Appointed
by resolution of the local governing authority.
Recreation and Parks Board: Appointed by the
governing body of the county, it must include a
member of that body and a member or represen-
tative of the county board of education (Code
1957, Art. 25, sec. 226).
Scenic or Wild Rivers Local Advisory Board: For
those rivers that flow through one county only,
the Board consists of two county residents who
own land contiguous to the river (except for the
Youghiogheny River where land owned must be
contiguous to that portion of the river between
Millers Run and the southern corporate limits of
Friendsville), two who do not own such land, one
representative of the local governing body, and
two members of the soil conservation district. For
those local Boards in which the river flows
through more than one county, each Board con-
sists of no more than two residents of each coun-
ty through which the scenic or wild river flows
who own land contiguous to the river, two who
do not own such land, two representatives of the
local governing body of the county through
which the river flows, and one representative of
each soil conservation district. Members select
Appointment Methods/449
their own chairperson. All members are appoint-
ed by the Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board
with the advice and consent of the local
governing body. As per Chapter 962, Acts of
1978, the local governing body may establish a
scenic river advisory board for each designated
scenic or wild nver within its jurisdiction (Natu-
ral Resources Article, sec. 8-403).
Roads Board: In Allegany, Caroline, Dorchester,
Garrett, Queen Anne's, Somerset, and Worcester
counties the Board of County Commissioners
constitutes the Roads Board ex officio. In
Wicomico County the County Council constitutes
the Roads Board ex officio. In Frederick County
the Roads Board consists of five members
appointed by the Commissioners for five-year
staggered terms, with one County Commissioner
serving as an ex officio, non-voting member. In
Carroll, Harford, and Washington counties, the
County Commissioners are responsible for county
roads, but no specific legislation constitutes them
a Roads Board. In Anne Arundel, Howard,
Prince George's, Montgomery, and Wicomico
counties. Departments of Public Works have
charge of roads and are responsible to the Coun-
ty Council. In Baltimore County the line of au-
thority runs to the County Administrative Offi-
cer, and thence to the County Executive. In
Calvert, Cecil, Charles, Kent, St. Mary's, and
Talbot counties, the State Roads Commission
takes care of county roads (Code 1957, Art. 25,
secs. 1, 25, 26, 34-50, 135-155; Art. 25A, sec. 5;
Art. 89B, sec. 220).
Roads Supervisor and Engineer: Appointed by the
governing body of the county (Code 1957, Art.
25, sec. 3).
Board of Electrical Examiners: Appointed by the
governing body of the county (Code 1957, Art.
25, sec. 3).
Plumbing Board: Appointed by the governing
body of the county (Code 1957, Art. 25, sec. 3).
Board of Liquor License Commissioners: Consists
of three members appointed by the Governor
with Senate confirmation for two-year terms in
Anne Arundel, Calvert, Somerset, and Wicomico
counties, and in Baltimore City. In Allegany, Tal-
bot, and Washington counties, the Board consists
of three members appointed by the Governor for
six-year terms. In Baltimore County the Board is
appointed by the County Executive for two-year
terms. In Caroline County the Liquor Control
Board constitutes the Board of License Commis-
sioners. Members serve for three years and are
appointed by the Governor with the advice and