United States Senate Congressional Delegation/42 3
CHARLES McC. MATHIAS, JR., Republican. Born July 24, 1922, in
Frederick. Attended Haverford College, B.A., 1944; Yale University (V—
12); University of Maryland, LL.B., 1949. Captain, USNR (ret.). Assis-
tant attorney general of Maryland, 1953-1954; city attorney of Frederick,
1954-1959. Elected to the Maryland House of Delegates, 1958. Served in
the U.S. House of Representatives, 1961-1969. Member of the U.S. Sen-
ate since 1969. Member Senate Judiciary, Appropriations, Governmental
Affairs, and Intelligence committees. Married to Ann Hickling Bradford
Mathias: 2 sons. District offices; 1616 Federal Office Bldg., 31 Hopkins
Plaza, Baltimore 21201, tel. 962-4850; Suite 212, Weber Bldg., 9420 An-
napolis Rd., Lanham 20801, tel. 344-2453; Cumberland Post Office, P. 0.
Box 1670, Cumberland 21502, tel. 722-4535; Longwoods, Easton 21601,
tel. 822-0152. Washington office: Suite 358, Russell Bldg., Washington,
D.C., 20510, tel. 224-4654.
PAUL S. SARBANES, Democrat, 1983. Born February 3, 1933, in Salis-
bury. Attended Wicomico County Senior High School; Princeton Universi-
ty, A.B., magna cum laude. Phi Beta Kappa, 1954; Rhodes Scholar at
Balliol College, Oxford University, first class B.A., honours in the School
of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, 1957; Harvard Law School, LL.B.,
cum laude, 1960. Member of the Maryland bar. Attorney; in private prac-
tice 1961-1962, 1965-1970. Law clerk to Judge Morris A. Soper, U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Fourth District, 1960-1961. Legislative drafts-
man, Maryland Department of Legislative Reference, 1961 session of the
Maryland General Assembly. Administrative assistant to Walter W. Hell-
er, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, 1962-1963. Executive
director, Charter Revision Commission of Baltimore City, 1963-1964.
Maryland House of Delegates, 1966-1970; member, Judiciary and Ways
and Means committees; vice-chairman, Baltimore City Delegation for 1968
session. Member of U.S. House of Representatives, 1971-1977; served on
Judiciary Committee, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, and the
Select Committee on House Reorganization. Member of the U.S. Senate
since 1977, serving on the Foreign Relations Committee, the Banking,
Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, and the Joint Economic Commit-
tee. Married to Christine Dunbar Sarbanes; 3 children. District offices;
1518 Federal Office Bldg., Baltimore 21201, tel. 962-4436; 1110 Fidler
Lane, Silver Spring 20910, tel. 589-8800. Washington office: 2327 Dirksen
Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510; tel. 224-4524.
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