by joint action and at the discretion of the Presi-
dent and the Speaker.
The Assistant to the President and the Speaker
is responsible for all administrative functions. He
serves in a coordinating capacity for the Legisla-
tive Department with respect to administrative
functions involving agencies such as the Depart-
ment of General Services, the Department of
Budget and Fiscal Planning, the Department of
State Planning, the Department of Personnel, and
the Comptroller's Office.
Budget and Taxation
Laurence Levitan, Chairperson
Room 100, James Building Telephone: 841-3690
State operating and capital budgets, including
revenues and expenditures; supplementary appro-
priation bills; State and county bond authoriza-
tions; legislative budgetary procedures; all taxa-
tion and property assessment legislation; and
creation of judgeships.
Constitutional and Public Law
Edward T. Conroy, Chairperson
Room 400, James Building Telephone: 841-3582
Government operations; procedures of executive
and administrative departments and agencies; civ-
il rights; election laws; motor vehicle code; ad-
ministrative law; and constitutional amendments.
Economic Affairs
Harry T. McGuirk, Chairperson
Room 200, James Building Telephone: 841-3661
Regulation of businesses, labor, occupations, and
professions in general; economic development; in-
surance; banking; utility regulation; consumer
protection; natural resources and environmental
matters; agriculture; energy; and land use plan-
ning and zoning.
Melvin A. Steinberg, Chairperson
Presidential Wing, James Building
Telephone: 841-3677
Education; transportation; health and welfare
matters; gambling and horse racing; pensions;
and State personnel and pension matters.
Judicial Proceedings
J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Chairperson
Room 300, James Building Telephone: 841-3623
Judicial administration and court structure; legal
profession; crimes and punishments; criminal and
civil laws and procedures; juvenile justice; real
property; trusts, estates, and probate matters; and
legal rights and immunities.
Executive Nominations
Margaret C. Schweinhaut, Chairperson
Examines all nominations for appointments made
by the Governor and reports thereon to the Sen-
ate with recommendations.
Rules, Organization, and Procedure
James dark, Jr., Chairperson
Considers proposals concerning the rules, organi-
zation, and procedures of the Senate and makes
recommendations thereon; reviews legislation in-
troduced after bill deadline.
Harry J. McGuirk, Chairperson
Organizes, plans, and schedules the social activi-
ties of the General Assembly.
Consent Calendar (appointed on an as needed ba-
Determines the bills and joint resolutions pro-
posed for inclusion on the consent calendar.
John R. Hargreaves, Chairperson
Room 131, Lowe Building Telephone: 841-3407
Consideration of State operating and capital bud-
gets, including revenues and expenditures; supple-
mentary appropriation bills; State and county