State Agencies
Chairperson: Leroy E. Kirby, Jr., 1983
Appointed Members: Edward A. Griffith, 1982;
George E. Mills, 1982; Patricia K. Krehnbrink,
1983; Josephine Thanner, 1984; John S. Ward,
1984; two vacancies.
P. 0. Box 8755
BWI Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7260
This Board was created to help enforce the
BWI Airport Noise Zone Regulations. These reg-
ulations establish a "noise zone" around BWI
Airport, within which zone new land develop-
ment is prohibited if it is incompatible with air-
port noise levels.
The Board of Airport Zoning Appeals, origi-
nally created by Chapter 450, Acts of 1968, had
its membership altered and reconstituted by
Chapter 443, Acts of 1976. The Board now con-
sists of eight members appointed by the Governor
with the advice of the Secretary of Transportation
and the advice and consent of the Senate.
Three members of the Board must be residents
ot Anne Arundel County. Three members repre-
sent Baltimore County and two, including the
chairperson, represent areas in which a State-
owned airport is not located. The chairperson of
the Board is designated by the Governor. Mem-
bers serve four-year terms.
The Board is authorized and empowered to
hear, decide, and grant specific variances frnm
airport zoning regulations in cases of practical
difficulty or unnecessary hardship (Code Trans-
portation Article, sec. 5-506).
William T. S. Bricker, Administrator
6601 Ritchie Highway
Glen Bumie 21062 Telephone: 768-7000
The Office of the Commissioner of Motor Vehi-
cles was established by Chapter 207, Acts of
1910. The Legislature changed this title to the
Department of Motor Vehicles by Chapter 1007,
Acts of 1943. By Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, the
Department was placed within the Maryland De-
partment of Transportation and became the Mo-
Transportation/28 5
tor Vehicle Administration (Code Transportation
Article, secs. 12-101 through 12-209).
Charles F. Pfaff, Chief Deputy Administrator
Nance Stamboni, Associate Administrator
This Division is responsible for licensing motor
vehicle dealers, manufacturers, wreckers and
scrap processors, professional driving schools,
and title service agents. The Division also ensures
that each school bus is inspected for safety three
times a year. With the powers of licensing and in-
vestigation, the Division ensures that dealers and
others in the automotive business honor their
agreements and warranties. Consumer complaints
are handled by this Division.
Donald W. Harrison, Director
This Division is responsible for titling and reg-
istering all passenger and commercial vehicles in
Maryland. The Division also collects the five per-
cent excise tax imposed on vehicles titled in the
state, the annual registration fees, and issues reg-
istration tags.
Lt. Col. John Satterfield, Director
The Division of Driver Examination and Li-
censing is responsible for conducting examina-
tions of all new drivers and renewing motor vehi-
cle operators' licenses.
Examinations include testing of the applicant's
visual acuity, knowledge of motor vehicle laws,
and the ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.
Maryland licenses are now classified according
to the type of vehicle the driver will operate and
are designated A, B, C, D, and E. Any class li-
cense will authorize the licensee to operate vehi-
cles in that particular class, except E, providing
the licensee meets the age requirements of the
several classes. The five classes are as follows:
Class A—Required to operate tractor-trailers;