282/Maryland Manual
the Mass Transit Administration's metropolitan
service area, which encompasses Anne Arundel
County, Baltimore City, and Baltimore County.
In addition, the Mass Transit Administration ad-
ministers a program to provide technical and fi-
nancial assistance for the development or im-
provement of public transportation facilities in
small urban areas throughout the State of Mary-
Prior to its incorporation into the Department
of Transportation in July of 1971, the Mass Tran-
sit Administration functioned as the Metropolitan
Transit Authority, which was originally estab-
lished by Chapter 160, Acts of 1969, succeeding a
former Authority created by Chapter 670, Acts of
The Mass Transit Administration fleet, which
numbers over 1,000 buses, travels in excess of 26
million miles a year throughout the metropolitan
service area.
The Section A rapid transit system is the first
segment of the Baltimore Region Rapid Transit
System to be implemented. Section A extends
from Reisterstown Road Plaza to Charles Center
(Code Transportation Article, secs. 7-101 through
W. G. Halpin, Port Adminstrator
Robert Green, Deputy Port Administrator
Donald Klein, Director, Port Promotion and Pub-
lic Information Officer
World Trade Center
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-5717
The Maryland Port Administration was created
on July 1, 1971, as a part of the Maryland De-
partment of Transportation, succeeding the Mary-
land Port Authority, a semiautonomous State
agency established by Chapter 2, Acts of the Spe-
cial Session of 1956. It adopted its present name
by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, which provided for
the transfer of the rights, duties, powers, and ob-
ligations of the Authority to the Administration.
Not included are those powers and duties that
were transferred to the Maryland Transportation
Authority. By Chapter 280, Acts of the General
Assembly of 1979, the operation of the port of
Cambridge came under the operational control of
the Maryland Port Administration.
The Administration endeavors to promote and
increase waterborne commerce in Maryland. To
this end the Administration maintains field offices
in Pittsburgh, Chicago, New York, Brussels, Lon-
don, Tokyo, and Hong Kong, as well as in Balti-
When the Administration's predecessor agency
was created in 1956, the primary objective of the
General Assembly was to improve the facilities
and strengthen the workings of the private opera-
tor. If private facilities were found inadequate,
however, or inadequately operated at any time,
the Authority was empowered to construct, and
if necessary operate, supplementary public facili-
ties (Code Transportation Article, secs. 6-101
through 6-502). This power was transferred to the
Administration in 1970.
From 1956 through fiscal year 1980, the Port
Administration invested some $198,000,000 in
modernizing and constructing international gener-
al cargo facilities in the port of Baltimore and
expended another $2,000,000 in new port facili-
ties at Cambridge and Crisfield on Maryland's
Eastern Shore.
T. James Truby, Administrator
Vacancy, Deputy Administrator
John F. R. Scott, Associate Administrator for Gen-
eral Aviation
Howard W. Durham, Director of BWI Airport
Carroll H. Hynson, Jr., Director of Information
and Trade Development
P. 0. Box 8766
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7100
Albert J. Selby, Manager
Glenn L. Martin State Airport
Box 1
Middle River 21220 Telephone: 391-9500
The State Aviation Administration was created
by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, as a unit of the
Department of Transportation, replacing the
State Aviation Commission established by Chap-
ter 318, Acts of 1939. It is responsible for devel-
oping and operating airports and for fostering
and regulating aeronautical activity within the
State. The Administrator is appointed by the Sec-