252/Maryland Manual
Chapter 563, Acts of 1949, as the Maryland Civil
Defense Agency. By Chapter 401, Acts of 1970,
it was designated the Maryland Civil Defense and
Emergency Planning Agency. It acquired its pres-
ent name by Chapter 666, Acts of 1975. The Di-
rector is appointed by the Secretary of Public
Safety and Correctional Services with the approv-
al of the Governor and is responsible to the Gov-
ernor and the Secretary for carrying out the pro-
gram in Maryland.
The Agency prepares for, and in the event of
enemy attack or major natural disasters, coordi-
nates the emergency functions of State agencies
and political subdivisions to minimize and repair
injury and damage resulting from such disasters.
The Agency assists the county and Baltimore City
Civil Defense organizations in the implementation
of the National Civil Defense program. It is the
agency of State government that aids the political
subdivisions of Maryland in the procurement of
supplies and equipment for civil defense purposes
under the federal matching funds and excess prop-
erty programs. It also manages the program for
federal contributions to the administrative and
personnel expenses of the State and local govern-
ments for civil defense. The Director is responsible
to the Governor for the coordination of the State's
disaster relief operations in the event of the decla-
ration of a "major disaster" within Maryland
(Code 1957, Art. 16A, secs. 1-32).
The Agency gathers and tabulates information
concerning expenditures for the alleviation of di-
saster conditions throughout the State for the
Governor's use in determining eligibility for fed-
eral financial assistance under Public Law 93-288.
Working with the Federal Administrator of
General Services, the Agency is responsible for
coordination of all State agencies, political subdi-
visions, and representatives of the private sector
in planning for mobilization and management of
resources and production in the event of enemy
attack or other major national emergencies.
The Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness
Advisory Council is appointed by the Secretary of
Public Safety and Correctional Services with the
approval of the Governor, and its members serve
without compensation. The Council advises the
Governor, the Secretary, and the Director in civil
defense and disaster preparedness matters.
The Emergency Resources Priorities Board is
composed of heads of State departments, serving
ex officio, augmented by leaders of business and
industry appointed by the Governor and serving
without compensation. The Board advises the
Governor and the Director in planning for emer-
gency mobilization and management of resources.
The Agency has prepared, had approved by the
Governor, and maintains in current status three
plans for accomplishment of its missions: the
Maryland Emergency Operations Plan, the Mary-
land Plan for Emergency Management of Re-
sources, and the Maryland Disaster Assistance
Edwin R. Goodlander, Commissioner
Elmanus Herndon, Deputy Commissioner
6314 Windsor Mill Road
Baltimore 21207 Telephone: 944-7028
Prior to 1916, the Maryland Penitentiary and
the Maryland House of Correction were autono-
mous institutions operating under the jurisdiction
of a separate Board of Directors and a Board of
Managers appointed by the Governor. By Chap-
ter 556, Acts of 1916, these institutions were ad-
ministered by the State Board of Prison Control.
By Chapter 29, Acts of 1922, the Board of Wel-
fare superseded the Board of Prison Control and
administered the prisons. By Chapter 69, Acts of
1939, the Department of Correction and the
Board of Correction assumed all rights, powers,
and duties that had formerly been vested in the
Board of Welfare.
By Chapter 758, Acts of 1953, the Superinten-
dent of Prisons became the administrator of the
Department. The Board of Correction established
departmental policies and appointed the executive
personnel of the institutions under the jurisdic-
tion of the Department on recommendations
made by the Superintendent of Prisons (Code
1957, Art. 27, secs. 667, 669-71, 675, 677). The
1962 General Assembly repealed Article 27, Sec-
tions 667-710, of the 1957 Code and 1961 Supple-
ment and enacted new Sections 667 to 704, inclu-
sive, to revise and change the laws governing the
administration of the Department of Correction.
Chapter 123 of the Acts of 1962 established the
Advisory Board and created the office of Com-
missioner of Correction. Chapter 137, Acts of
1968, repealed and reenacted Section 667 of Arti-
cle 27, changing the name of the Department
from the Department of Correction to the De-
partment of Correctional Services.
Chapter 401, Acts of 1970, effective July 1,
1970, incorporated all of the State's correctional