226/Maryland Manual
track licensees, and one is a member of the Com-
mission. Members are appointed by the Maryland
Racing Commission with the approval of the Sec-
retary of Licensing and Regulation (Code 1957,
Art. 78B, sec. 17A(c)).
The Committee assists and advises the Racing
Commission on the administration of the Stan-
dardbred Race Program, the Standardbred Race
Fund, and the Standardbred Sires Stakes Pro-
gram. This Fund was established by having each
harness track licensee allocate .50% of the mutuel
on all races conducted by it during the year to
the Fund. This Fund is then used as a purse for
races involving Standardbred horses (Code 1957,
Art. 78B, sec. 17A).
Chairperson: Dr. Jerusa C. Wilson, 1982
Vice-Chairperson: Martha S. Wright, 1983
Secretary: Mary Avara, 1981
Consumer Member: Vacancy
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6305
This Board, established by Chapter 209, Acts
of 1916, adopted its present name by Chapter
402, Acts of 1970. The Board consists of a
chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and a
consumer member, all appointed by the Governor
with the advice and consent of the Senate for
three-year terms.
The Board examines or supervises the examina-
tion of all films or views, excepting newsreels, to
be exhibited or used in the State of Maryland,
and disapproves all films that are obscene.
The Board furnishes an official seal that must
be displayed on the screen prior to the picture be-
ing shown (Code 1957, Art. 66A).
Under the provisions of the Regulatory Pro-
grams Evaluation Act of 1978, this Board will
terminate July 1, 1981.
Carolyn B. McGuire, Commissioner
Joseph M. Roggenkamp, Deputy Commissioner
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6212
Chairperson: Ellen P. McLane, 1981
Leora M. Hash, 1982; Dorothy W. Tross, 1983;
Dorothy Meeker Wallace, 1983; Esther G.
Zander, 1983.
Eunice R. Alper, Executive Director
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6320
The State Board of Cosmetologists, created by
Chapter 282, Acts of 1935, as the Board of Hair-
dressers and Beauty Culturists, received its pres-
ent name by Chapter 278, Acts of 1961. The
Board consists of five members appointed by the
Governor with the advice of the Secretary of Li-
censing and Regulation for three-year terms.
Three members of the Board must have had at
least five years practical experience in hairdress-
ing or beauty culture. They may not be affiliated
with any firm manufacturing or selling any mer-
chandise or commodity used in beauty shops, nor
be directly or indirectly connected with any
school of beauty culture. No two members shall
serve at the same time who are graduates of the
same school of beauty culture.
The Board examines, licenses, and regulates all
persons engaged in the operation, practice, and
teaching of beauty culture within the State of
Maryland. The Board holds regular meetings
each Tuesday of the year and conducts examina-
tions at least twice weekly throughout the year in
Baltimore City (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs.
Chairperson: W. Robert Wallis, 1982
H. Morton Rosen, 1981; J. Thomas Requard,
1982; John L. Knott, Sr., 1983; Ernest Stokes
II, 1984; one vacancy.
Thomas R. Hannon, Executive Director
One South Calvert Street
Room 1601
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6309