224/Mary land Manual
Member representing the Public Service Commis-
sion: William J. Barkley, 1985
Members representing the general public: Teresa
Breza, 1985; Harry A. Veditz, 1985.
203 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-4195
The Occupational Safety and Health Advisory
Board, originally established by Chapter 44, Acts
of 1955, as the Occupational Safety Advisory
Board, adopted its present name by Chapter 530,
Acts of 1968. The Board had its membership re-
constituted by Chapter 59, Acts of 1973. The
Board now consists of eleven members, all of
whom are appointed by the Commissioner of La-
bor and Industry with the approval of the Secre-
tary of Licensing and Regulation for six-year
terms. Two of the members represent industry,
two represent labor, two represent the health pro-
fession, one represents agriculture, one represents
businesses regulated by the Public Service Com-
mission under Article 78, and three represent the
general public. The Commissioner designates one
of the public members as the Chairperson. The
members are selected upon the basis of their ex-
perience and competence in the field of occupa-
tional safety and health. The members represent-
ing the health professions are recommended for
appointment by the Secretary of the Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene. The Secretary of
the Department of Agriculture recommends for
appointment the member representing agriculture.
The Chairperson of the Public Service Commis-
sion recommends for appointment the member
representing businesses regulated by the Public
Service Commission.
The Occupational Safety and Health Advisory
Board formulates and proposes to the Commis-
sioner of Labor and Industry such reasonable
rules and regulations, or modifications, amend-
mentSi or repeals of rules and regulations, for the
prevention of accidents and occupational diseases
in every employment or place of employment in
Maryland (Code 1957, Art. 89, secs. 28-49B).
Management representatives: Irving L. Kidwell,
1982; A. C. Seeman, Jr., 1983.
Labor representatives: James Christas, 1982;
Charles H. Rush, 1983.
Public members: Anthony Johns, 1981; Bruce G.
Philipson, 1981.
203 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-4194
The Advisory Council on Prevailing Wage
Rates was created by Chapter 558, Acts of 1969,
to advise the Commissioner of Labor and Indus-
try and to submit recommendations to him re-
garding the establishment of hourly rates applica-
ble to contracts and subcontracts for public
works within the State.
The Council consists of six members, all
appointed by the Governor with the advice of the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation and with
the advice and consent of the Senate from among
persons recommended by organizations in the re-
spective groups for three-year terms. Two of the
members must represent management in the
building and construction industry; two must rep-
resent labor in the building and construction in-
dustry; and two represent the general public.
The Council is to establish certain standards
for hours of work and rates of pay, conditions of
employment, and duties of certain public officials
under certain contracts and subcontracts for pub-
lic works in the State. The council is also to call
upon other agencies of State and local govern-
ment for statistical data and reports (Code 1957,
Art. 100, secs. 96-107).
Chairperson: D. Chester O'Sullivan, 1981
Ben Alperstein, 1981; William 0. Draper, Sr.,
1981; Robert W. Phillips, 1983; William I.
Garner, Jr., 1985.
Jack Cohen, Executive Secretary
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6313
The State Athletic Commission, established by
Chapter 710, Acts of 1920, consists of five mem-
bers appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Secretary of Licensing and
Regulation for six-year terms. The Commission
has supervision over all boxing shows, wrestling
matches, and closed circuit telecasts scheduled
and held in the State of Maryland. It enacts and