State Agencies
to authorized persons for a fee of $2.00 per copy
(checks to be made payable to the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene).
The Division has birth and death records for
Baltimore City beginning January 1, 1875, and
for the twenty-three counties of Maryland begin-
ning August 1898. Marriage registration began on
June 1, 1951, and divorce registration began in
June 1961. For all marriages prior to June 1951
and for all divorces, regardless of the year, copies
may be obtained from the clerk of the Circuit
Court in the county where the event occurred.
Vacancy, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7130
The Director of Management Services Admin-
istration is responsible for the performance of or-
ganizations associated with Department-wide
planning, budgeting, expenditure control, person-
nel management, and grants administration. The
Director assures complete, timely, and cost-effec-
tive accomplishment of all work undertaken. The
Director oversees the development and integra-
tion of plans, programs, and budgets consistent
with the objectives of the Assistant Secretary for
Administation and the Department. As required,
the Director of Management Services Administra-
tion assures liaison actitivities with external agen-
cies for the resolution of specific problems and
recommends appropriate legislative and regulato-
ry initiatives to the Assistant Secretary for Ad-
ministration. The Director assists in establishing
goals for the Assistant Secretary and formulates
plans, policies, and programs to achieve such
goals. As a key member of the Assistant Secretar-
iat for Administration, the Director is expected to
contribute regularly to the overall management
improvement of the Department.
Thomas M. Thomas, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2641
Health and Mental Hygiene/203
The Director of Fiscal and Support Operations
Administration is responsible for the performance
of organizations associated with Department-wide
programs encompassing fiscal accountability, data
processing, contracting, education and training
for career development and client rehabilitation,
capital improvements, dietetic guidance to De-
partment hospitals and institutions, and a variety
of publishing and information resource services.
The Health Statistics Center, including the vital
records system for the State, also reports to the
Director of Fiscal and Support Operations. The
Director of Fiscal and Support Operations as-
sures complete, timely, and cost-effective accom-
plishment of all work undertaken. The Director
oversees the development and integration of
plans, programs, and budgets consistent with the
objectives of the Assistant Secretary for Adminis-
tration and the Department. As required, the Di-
rector assures liaison activities with external agen-
cies for the resolution of specific problems and
recommends appropriate legislative and regulato-
ry initiatives to the Assistant Secretary for Ad-
ministration. The Director assists in establishing
goals for the Assistant Secretariat for Administra-
tion and formulates plans, policies, and programs
to achieve such goals. As a key member of the
Assistant Secretariat for Administration, the Di-
rector is expected to contribute regularly to the
overall management improvement of the Depart-
John J. Cahill, Jr., Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4556
The Director of Management Analysis Staff is
responsible for planning, developing, coordinat-
ing, and implementing programs encompassing
Department-wide management improvement and
accountability. Support and service programs are
reviewed and appropriate management techniques
are recommended to improve Department admin-
istration and the delivery of health care services.
The Director assists the Assistant Secretary by
assuring completed staff work and overseeing
data assembly, fact finding, and various analytical
tasks assigned. The Management Analysis Staff
also includes a central information resource and
assistance in the development, coordination, and
promulgation of Department policies.