188/Maryland Manual
Chairperson: Joan L. Mahan, 1981
Delores M. White, 1980; Robert G. Chance,
1981; Annette S. Friedman, 1981; Anne Marie
Kelly O'Brien, 1982; Steven M. Stoltenberg,
1982; Judith Yellin, 1983.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2709
The State Board of Electrologists Examiners
was created within the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene in 1978 (Chapter 851, Acts of
1978, as amended by Chapter 715, Acts of 1979).
The Board consists of five registered electrologists
and two public members who serve for three-year
terms. Upon the recommendation of the Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene the Governor ap-
points members of the Board with the advice and
consent of the Senate.
The Board adopts and revises standards of
electrology practice performed by registered elec-
trologists; prescribes standards for educational
programs that prepare persons for licensure and
provides surveys of such programs; maintains a
current list of schools or institutions whose pro-
grams meet required standards; and examines, li-
censes, and renews the licenses of qualified appli-
cants. The Board also conducts hearings on
charges calling for discipline of a licensed elec-
trologist by penalty, denial, revocation, or sus-
pension of a license; causes the prosecution of all
persons in violation of the Electrologist Practice
Act (Chapter 851, Acts of 1978, as amended by
Chapter 715, Acts of 1979); adopts and revises
rules and regulations not inconsistent with the
Act; and sets and revises fees for registration, li-
cense renewal, and examination. The Board keeps
records of all its proceedings, reports annually to
the Governor and to the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene, and evaluates all areas concern-
ing the practice of electrology in the State, in-
cluding unscrupulous principles and fraudulent
President: Walter G. Dabrowski, 1983
Vice-President: Richard Singleton, 1983
Secretary-Treasurer: George J. Gonce, 1983
Doris K. McCully, 1982; Calvin B. Scruggs,
1982; Leroy 0. Dyett, 1983; Donald V.
Borgwardt, 1983; John R. Merceron, 1983;
Frank R. Smith, 1983; Kenneth H. Law, 1983;
Stanley Theodore Levinson, 1983.
140 Main Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3921
The State Board of Funeral Directors and Em-
balmers, created as the State Board of Undertak-
ers by Chapter 160, Acts of 1902, received its
present name by Chapter 503, Acts of 1937. The
Governor, upon the recommendation of the Sec-
retary of Health and Mental Hygiene and by and
with the consent of the Senate, appoints the elev-
en members of the Board for four-year terms.
Nine members are licensed funeral directors and
embalmers and two members are consumers who
have no training or financial interest in the pro-
fession. Five members must be residents of Balti-
more City and six must be residents of the
counties. All members must have been actively
engaged in their profession for the last five years
immediately preceding their appointment. Every
person carrying on the business of funeral
directing and embalming in the State must regis-
ter with and procure a license from the Board.
The Board must renew licenses annually, and it
has the power to suspend or revoke any license.
The Board makes regulations for the enforcement
of provisions in the laws regarding funeral
directing and embalming. In general, the laws
deal with qualifications and examinations of ap-
plicants for license and registration.
President: Daniel I. Welliver, M.D., 1982
Vice-President: Karl F. Mech, M.D., 1984
John E. Adams, M.D., 1981; DeWitt E. De
Lawter, M.D., 1981; Arthur T. Keefe, M.D.,
1982; Manning W. Alden, M.D., 1983; Chris
Papadopoulos, M.D., 1983; C. Van Velsor
Wolf, 1983; Aris T. Allen, M.D., 1984; Marga-
ret S. Mason, 1984.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2020
The practice of medicine was first regulated in
Maryland by Chapter 429, Acts of 1888, which
required that the State Board of Health license all