Harold I. Buskirk, Chief of Administration
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2116
This division administers the internal fiscal op-
erations of the Department, verifies budget re-
quests and budget amendments, maintains master
State position control ledgers, prints the State
Budget Book and associated publications, and re-
cords monthly expenditure reports of all State
agencies. Through its Baltimore-based Central
Collection Unit, established by Chapter 355 of
the Acts of 1973, the division acts upon collec-
tion of delinquent accounts receivable due the
State (Code 1957, Art. 15A, secs. 19-21A, 24-27;
Art. 41, sec. 71).
Don 0. Nave, Chief of Budget Analysis
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2271
This division aids the Secretary in the formula-
tion of the tentative State budget for the Gover-
nor's consideration and continually reviews and
analyzes the budget execution process. The divi-
sion promulgates and enforces rules and regula-
tions that ensure economical expenditures of State
fiscal resources, and also maximizes the benefits
derived from use of State-owned vehicles and en-
sures efficient utilization of plant operation and
maintenance as well as dietary and allied institu-
tional services (Code 1957, Art. 15A, secs.
17-23A, 24-27).
Ray N. Dearborn, Chief of Management Analysis
and Audits
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2191
The division conducts management studies,
performance audits, and program analyses of the
various State agencies and programs. In addition,
the division provides technical assistance to State
agencies in management, planning, and program
evaluation and provides for the development and
monitoring of the executive planning process and
the executive evaluation system. The division also
is responsible for the promulgation of rules and
regulations for the economical and efficient use of
State-owned motor vehicles (Code 1957, Art.
15A, secs, 17, 20, 22-25).
David B. Williams, Chief of Management Infor-
mation Systems
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2286