State Agencies Department Secretaries/127
JAMES J. O'DONNELL, Secretary of Transportation. Born on September 26,
1918, in Baltimore, Maryland. Attended Loyola College; U.S. Naval Academy, B.S.,
1941; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1951. Admitted to the Maryland
bar, 1952. Registered professional engineer. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1941-1946.
Member, Engineering Society of Baltimore (former member of Board of Directors);
former member. Association of State Planning and Development Agencies (past
president); Maryland Society of Professional Engineers (past president); National So-
ciety of Professional Engineers; American Institute of Planners. Director, Maryland
Department of Public Improvements, 1955-1958; director. State Planning Depart-
ment, 1958-1968. Chairman (1958-1962) and vice-chairman (1962-1968), Regional
Planning Council of Baltimore; chairman, Potomac River Basin Advisory Commit-
tee, 1965-1968; vice-chairman for Susquehanna Interstate Advisory Committee,
1962-1968. Member, Country Club of Maryland. Secretary of Transportation since
1979. Married to Rosemary Frederick; 3 children. Office address: P. 0. Box 8755,
Baltimore-Washington International Airport 21240.
JAMES 0. ROBERSON, Secretary of Economic and Community Development.
Born May 25, 1935, in Lubbock, Texas. Attended Baylor University, A.B., 1956;
University of Houston Institute for Organizational Management; University of Okla-
homa Economic Development Institute. Fellow member, American Economic Devel-
opment Council; member. National Association of State Development Agencies;
Northeast Industrial Developers Association; Maryland Industrial Developers Asso-
ciation. Certified Industrial Developer. Director, New Mexico Department of Devel-
opment, 1967-1970; director, Rhode Island Department of Economic Development,
1973-1977. Lecturer, Advanced Symposia, Economic Development Institute, Uni-
versity of Oklahoma. Married to JoAnn Roberson; 5 children. Secretary of Econom-
ic and Community Development since 1979. Office address: 2525 Riva Road, An-
napolis 21401.
THOMAS WILLIAM SCHMIDT, Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning. Bom
December 31, 1932, in Baltimore, Maryland. Attended The Johns Hopkins Universi-
ty, B.S., 1962. Served in the U.S. Coast Guard. Member, Bureau of Revenue Esti-
mates; State Police Retirement Board; State Employees Retirement Board; Employ-
ees Deferred Compensation Commission; Baltimore City Convention Center
Commission; Capital Debt Affordability Committee. Married to Kathleen A.
Schmidt; 2 children. Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning since 1977. Office ad-
dress: Treasury Bldg., Annapolis 21404.
THEODORE E. THORNTON, SR., Secretary of Personnel. Born in Queens, New
York. Attended St. Paul's College, B.S. (Education), 1959; Virginia Commonwealth
University, M.A. (Social Work), 1967. Member, Richmond Area Training Directors'
Association, 1972-1973; president (1968), vice-president (1969), and board member,
Richmond-Community Action Program; Board of Directors, Richmond Boys Club,
1974-1975; Board of Governors, United Givers Fund, 1973-1974; trustee, St. Paul's
College, Lawrenceville, Virginia, 1973—; member. International Personnel Manage-
ment Association, Uniform Guidelines Committee reviewing EEOC and EEOCC
guidelines; Board of Directors, Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Virginia, 1976—; Advisory
board, School of Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1977—. Married
to Yvonne Thomton; 2 children. Secretary of Personnel since 1979. Office address:
Room 609, 301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore 21201.