Constitutional Offices and Agencies
Robert J. Colborn, Jr., Administrator
11 Bladen Street (Old Armory Building)
P. 0. Box 802
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2486
The Division of State Documents was created
within the Office of the Secretary of State by
Chapter 600, Acts of 1974. The administrator is
appointed by the Governor and is responsible for
the administration of the State Documents Law
(Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 131B-131D, 256B-256T).
The primary duties of the Division are to print
and distribute two official State publications: (1)
the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR),
the permanent compilation of all of Maryland's
administrative regulations and executive orders,
and (2) the Maryland Register, a bi-weekly publi-
cation that serves as a temporary supplement to
The Register prints all proposed, adopted, and
emergency regulations of the State's administra-
tive agencies, notices of public hearings and meet-
ings, synopses of opinions of the Attorney Gener-
al, proposed and adopted rules of court, hearing
calendars of the Courts of Appeal, synopses of all
Attorney General/II 3
legislation proposed, enacted, and vetoed each
legislative session of the General Assembly, all
Executive Orders, all gubernatorial appointments,
notices of bids requested and awards announced
on State construction projects and other State
contract work, and any other document the Gen-
eral Assembly requires or the Committee on Ad-
ministrative, Executive and Legislative Review
(AELR) permits to be published. A subject index
to the Register is published quarterly, with the
last quarterly index being cumulative for the year.
All adopted regulations and Executive Orders
that are generally permanent in nature are period-
ically taken from the pages of the Register and in-
tegrated into COMAR, thereby keeping the ad-
ministrative code current.
Administrative regulations are not effective
(except emergency regulations) until published in
the Maryland Register. The text of any document
appearing in the Maryland Register and COMAR
is the only official, valid, and enforceable text of
that document. Any document appearing in the
Maryland Register and COMAR is accorded judi-
cial notice in all court proceedings.
Subscription information pertaining to both the
Maryland Register and COMAR may be obtained
by writing or calling the Division's offices.
Stephen H. Sachs, Attorney General
George A. Nilson, Deputy Attorney General
Eleanor M. Carey, Associate Deputy Attorney General
Michael A. Millemann, Chief, Civil Division, and Chief General Counsel
Avery Aisenstark, Principal Counsel, Opinions and Advice
Deborah K. Handel, Chief, Criminal Appeals and Correctional Litigation Division
Stephen B. Caplis, Chief, Correctional Section, Criminal Appeals and Correctional Litigation Division
James G. Klair, Counsel for Administration
Gary P. Jordan, Chief of Investigations
Paul F. Strain, Chief of Litigation
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-4000