110/Maryland Manual
Harry Hughes, Governor
Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury
William S. James, Treasurer of Maryland
Edward L. Middleton, Secretary of the Board
Benjamin F. Lucas II, Assistant Secretary of the Board
Old Armory Building
11 Bladen Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3443
The Board of Public Works is composed of the Governor, the State Comptroller, and the State
Treasurer. The Constitution requires the Board to meet on the first Wednesday of January, April, July,
and October in Annapolis and more often when necessary. As a matter of practice, meetings are
scheduled semi-monthly. The Board exercises such powers and duties as are prescribed in the Constitu-
tion or delegated to it from time to time by the General Assembly. The Board approves the expendi-
tures of all sums appropriated through State loans authorized by the General Assembly, as well as the
expenditures of all general and other funds appropriated for capital improvements except those appro-
priated for State roads, bridges, and highways. The Board approves every new lease or renewal for
land, buildings, or office space before such contracts are executed by any department, board, commis-
sion, State officer, or institution of the State. It may also designate the location of any State agency,
after review by the Secretary of the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
The Board may borrow upon the credit of the State, at any time between the sessions of the General
Assembly, sums not to exceed $50,000 to meet temporary deficits in the Treasury. In addition, the
Board may borrow upon the credit of the State total amounts not exceeding $1,000,000 in anticipation
of taxes levied for any year. All such loans bear interest at a rate determined by the Board, and must
mature and be repaid at or before the end of the fiscal year in which the money is borrowed. Upon
recommendation of the Comptroller, the Board may adopt regulations covering matters of business ad-
ministration in the various departments, institutions, and agencies of the State, including the fixing of
uniform rates of mileage allowance and the terms and renewals of all bonds furnished by State officials
and employees. The sale, lease, or transfer of any real property belonging to any State agency or insti-
tution must be approved, and the conveyance signed, by the Board and the highest official of the agen-
cy or institution. Where no agency or institution claims the property, the Board executes the convey-
ance. The Board of Public Works has custody of the General Emergency Fund, which is used to
supplement the budgets of the agencies and institutions of the State. It also authorizes the disposal of
the records of any agency or institution of the State when such disposal has been approved by the Hall
of Records Commission. The Board of Public Works must also issue a license to anyone who seeks to
dredge or fill in State wetlands.
The Board of Public Works is required to adopt and promulgate rules, regulations, and procedures
for the administration of the State Public School Construction Program and to approve the allocations
which are to be paid to each of the counties and Baltimore City.
The Board is also required to appoint a coordinator whose duties are to provide for the consolida-
tion of administrative procedures relating to the issuance of permits for certain development and con-
struction projects (Const. 1867, Art. Ill, sec. 34; Art. XII, secs. 1-3; Art. XVII, sec. 2; Code 1957,
Art. 15A, secs. 11, 12; Art. 23, sec. 206; Art. 27, sec. 705; Art. 31, sec. 2B; Art. 41, secs. 59-1, 190,
196, 215, 216, 218, 221, 244-256, 266Z, 419; Art. 43, sec. 387B; Art. 73B, sec. 12; Art. 78A, secs.
1-16B. 20-22, 26-31, 43, 49, 55-67; Art. 89B, sec. 6; Art. 94A, sec. 5; Natural Resources Article, sec.
9-202; Estates and Trust Article, sec. 2-205).