100/Maryland Manual
\LARRY YOUNG, Democrat, District 38. Born in Baltimore, November 25, 1949.
Attended Baltimore public schools; University of Maryland; Goddard College, B.A.,
1973; New York University. Urban environmentalist. Maryland Committee for Chil-
dren and Youth, 1969-1972. Chairman, Board of Directors. Citizens Democratic
Action Organization, Inc., 1976—; president, Baltimore Urban Environment Chap-
ter, IWLA, 1978; member, West Baltimore Community Health Care Corporation,
Inc.; Urban League, NAACP. Former newspaper columnist for the Afro-American.
Received "Public Service Award," MPIRG, 1978; Statesman Award, Baltimore Bap-
tist Ministers' Conference, 1977; NAEE Annual Award, 1976; Afro-American News-
paper Honor Roll Award, 1971; president. Center tor Urban Environmental Studies,
Inc., 1978—. Chairman, Energy Committee, National Black Caucus of State Legis-
lators Secretariat, 1979—. Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates since
1975. District office: 1716 McCulloh St., Baltimore 21217; tel. 728-0062. Annapolis
office: 315 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3263.
JOHN K. PARLETT, Democrat, District 29. Born in Leonardtown, February 1,
1937. Attended St. Mary's Academy and Charlotte Hall Military Academy. Fanner.
Corporal, Maryland National Guard, 1953-1958. Vice-president, Board of County
Commissioners, St. Mary's County, 1974-1978 (served on Metropolitan Commis-
sion; Board of Recreation and Parks; Commission on Aging; Transportation Com-
mittee; County Building Committee; Greenwell State Park Advisory Committee; Tri-
County Council, chairman, 1975-1976; Maryland Association of Counties Planning
Committee); county negotiator for State purchase of Charlotte Hall School property.
Former member, Farm Bureau Board of Directors; Soil Conservation Service Board
of Supervisors; Metropolitan Commission; Leonard Hall Junior Naval Academy
Board of Trustees; Mechanicsville Lions Club Board of Directors. Chamber of Com-
merce Board of Directors, 1979—; Judicial Nominating Commission, 1979—. Mar-
ried; 7 children. Sworn in January 8, 1981, as a member of the House of Delegates
vice Royden P. Dyson. Member, Environmental Matters Committee. District office:
P. O. Box 25, Charlotte Hall 20622; tel. 884-4337 or 274-3011. Annapolis office: 216
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 858-3247.