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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
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Name lndex/891

Forwood, John 731
Fosler, R Scott 495
Foss, John E 223
Fossett, William D 473
Foster, Delbert T 498
Foster, George 476
Foster, Mary C 511
Foster, VernonR 117,463
Fouche, Jerry 645
Fout, William S 483
Fowler, C Bernard 257, 464, 466
Fowler, David 738
Fowler, Henry J.Sr 135
Fowler, Robert 732
Fox, Earl R 471
Fox, Evelyn Jefferson 663
Fox, Hamilton P 744
Fox, June 482
Fox, Lewis J 327
Fox, Paul M 482
Fox, Thomas M 480
Foxwell, Thomas H , Jr 509
Fradiska, J Brooke 453
Frame, Bruce 268
Framptom, Jerome 170
Frampton, Jerome, Jr 336
France, A M 461
France, Charles L 152
France, Joseph 1 747
Franch, William A 277, 317, 384
Francis, Thomas F 170
Francois, Francis B 168, 315, 337, 443,
Francos, George 458
Frank, John 742
Frank, Kenneth B 105, 127
Frank, Stanley J 305
Franke, Robert C 381
Frankel, David J 104
Frankel, Harold Lee 340
Franki, Janice H 668, 694
Frankland, Walter 337
Franklin Carl 125
Franklin, Herman 329
Franklin, James S 739
Franklin, John R 736, 750
Franklin, Littleton P 743
Frankovic, Edward J, Jr 501
Franks, C Roland 171
Frantz, Gary E 485
Frantz, J Howard 340
Franz, Keith S 707
Frazier, Calvin A 712
Frazier, Charles 735
Frazier, John M 736
Frazier, Manlyn 497
Frazier, Robert W 261
Freburger, Edward J 579
Fredenck, Carl Lee, Jr 562, 593
Fredenck, Christopher L 203
Fredenck, Leroy 232,743
Fredenck, Lowell W 292
Fredenck, S Gerald 595
Free, Joseph 482

Freeburger, George W 524
Freedlander, Leah S 253, 743
Freeland, Caroline 498
Freeman, Carl M 127
Freeman, Debra Hanania 675
Freiman, Paul 178
Frenkil, James 340
Frenkil, Leonard 1 307
Frenkil, Victor, Jr 311
Frere, John 475
Fretwell, Victona K 477
Frey, Ralph W 327
Fnck, William 737
Fnedel, Samuel N 752, 753
Fnedland, Benuce 454
Fnedman.AlvinE 119
Fnedman, Annette S 172
Fnedman, Daniel 352, 374, 524
Fnedman, Howard E 348
Fnedman, Sol J 340, 352, 374, 524
Fnel, James 181
Fnel, Samuel E W, Jr 29
Fnend, C Elizabeth 485
Fnsby, Richard 731
Fnzzell, Jean S 176
Fromme, Galen 235
Frosh, Stanley B 349, 363, 495, 624, 629
Frucht, P P 130
Frushour, Harry V 327
Fry, Debra K 463
Fry, Edwin R 113,493
Fry, James 329
Fry, Lorraine 493
Fry, Paul C 482
Fry, Susan A 505
Frye, Maxwell V , Jr 457
Frymark, Herbert F 563, 595
Fuchs, John T 568, 601
Fugate, Lena Carolyn 668
Fugitt, James 488
Fulgham, David N 251
Full, Emmett 216
Fuller, Bemita 191
Fuller, David D 475
Fuller, James J 133
Fuller, Sharyn Gavern 705
Fuller, William H 454
Fulton, Edgar A 241, 244
Fulton, Harold A 516
Fulton, James C 487
Fulton, James H , Jr 579
Fulton, John 711
Fulton, Oliver H 127
Fulton, Robert 496
Funaro, George J 328
Funk, John B 732
Funk, Wayne 171
Funkey, John H 320
Furtick, Robert W 211,212
Fustero, Robert R 622
Fusion, John T 500
Gabby, Joseph 731

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 891   View pdf image (33K)
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