88/Maryland Manual
W. HENRY THOMAS, Democrat, District 35. Born in Hudson, September 19,
1920. Attended Dorchester County public schools. Served in the U.S. Air Force dur-
ing World War II. County Commissioner of Dorchester County, 1970-1974. Direc-
tor, Dorchester General Hospital, 1970-1971. Member, Farm Bureau; American Le-
gion; VFW, President, Cambridge Rotary Club. 1974 Commodore, Cambridge
Yacht Club, 1969. Board member, Grace Methodist Church. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1975. District office: High and Poplar, Cambridge
21613; tel. 228-3800 Annapolis office 415 Lowe Bldg., 21401, tel. 269-3295.
JUDITH C. TOTH, Democrat, District 15B. Born in Rochelle, Illinois, October 21,
1937. Attended Sasebo, Japan, American High School; Northwestern University, B.
A., 1959; Mexico City College; Georgetown University; University of the Andes. Po-
litical economist. Precinct chairperson, 1968-1974. Former president, Montgomery
County Civic Federation, 1973-1974; Metropolitan Washington Congress of
Citizens, 1971-1973; Cabin John Park Citizens Association, 1970-1971. Founder and
co-chairperson, Montgomery County Coalition of Presidents, 1973-1974. Member,
Montgomery County Advisory Committee on Potomac River, 1970-1971. Member,
Board of Governors, A.C.L.U. of Maryland, 1970-1973. Member, Potomac Valley
League; P.T.A.; League of Women Voters; Women's Political Caucus; Suburban
Maryland Fair Housing. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975.
Member, Environmental Matters Committee. District office: 6611 80th Place, Cabin
John 20034; tel. 229-8586. Annapolis office: 225 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-2519.
JOSEPH F. VALLARIO, JR., Democrat, District 28 Born in Washington, D.C.,
March 4, 1937. Attended Washington, D.C., parochial schools; Benjamin Franklin
University, B.C.S. and M.C.S., 1959; Eastern College; Mt. Vernon School of Law,
University of Baltimore, LL.B, J D, 1963. Member, American and Maryland State
Bar Associations; past president. Prince George's County Criminal Trial Lawyers
Association. Member, Sons of Italy; inactive member, Painters Local Union # 1773,
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975. District office: 6003 St. Bar-
nabas Rd., Oxon Hill 20021; tel. 567-4300. Annapolis office: 206 Lowe Bldg., 21401;
tel. 269-2741.
MICHAEL H. WEIR, Democrat, District 7. Born in Baltimore, March 24, 1924.
Attended Baltimore County public schools; Essex Community College; University of
Maryland. Masonry contractor. Served with the U.S. Army during World War II.
Member, Fifth District Democratic Club; Young Mens' Democratic Club of Essex;
Fifteenth District Democratic Club; American Legion; VFW; Hawks Federation of
Independent Business Men. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1973;
member, Environmental Matters Committee since 1975; member. Joint Committee
on Energy. District office: 418 Eastern Ave., Baltimore 21221. Annapolis office: 303
Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3073.