FREDERICK C. RUMMAGE, Democrat, District 27. Born in Hunlock Creek, Pa.,
March 27, 1931. Attended public schools in Pennsylvania; Bloomsburg State Col-
lege, B.S., 1952; University of Miami Law School, J.D., 1955. Army Intelligence,
Washington, D.C., 1956 -1958. Executive director and counsel. National Founda-
tion, Washington, D C. Legislative assistant and counsel. National Association of
Electric Companies. Executive director and counsel. Prince George's County
Educators' Association Member, Washington, D.C., and Florida Bars. Member,
Oxon Hill and Barkley Democratic Clubs. Member, Rotary Club. President, Cystic
Fibrosis Foundation. Board member, March of Dimes. Metropolitan Washington.
Married; two children, Kama and Ricky. Member of the House of Delegates since
1967. Vice-chairman, Economic Matters Committee, 1970 - 1974; chairman, Prince
George's County Delegation, 1975 - 1979. Member, Legislative Council Chairman,
Economic Matters Committee since 1979. District office: Calvert Mansion, 4511
Riverdale Rd., Riverdale 20840; tel 779-2170. Annapolis office: 151 Lowe Bldg.,
21401; tel. 269-2741.
WILLIAM RUSH, Democrat, District 9. Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, No-
vember 3, 1919 Attended public schools in Belfast and Baltimore County. Served
with the U.S. Army during World War II. Owner of realty company. Member, Con-
stitutional Convention, 1967-1968, Governor's Safety Commission, 1963-1966.
Member, 6th District, 14th District, and Twin District Democratic Clubs. Former
vice-president, Baltimore County Tavern and Restaurant Owners Association, Mem-
ber, Masons; Pitman Masonic Club; American Legion; VFW, Elks; Ancient and
Honorable Nobles of the Hardshells; Old Timers Soccer Association; Old Timers
Baseball Association; President, PTA, two years Captain and manager. Armed
Forces Soccer Team, 1945 -1946, Gold Medal winners, AFWESPAC Olympic
Games; O.C.S. Instructor, 1943 - 1944, U S. Army. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1963 Chairman, Alcoholic Beverages Committee since 1967; for-
mer member, Rule's Committee; member, Economic Matters Committee. Chairman,
Baltimore County Delegation, 1974. District office: 3307 Putty Hill Ave., Baltimore
21234, tel. 665-6519. Annapolis office. 307 Lowe Bldg , 21401; tel. 269-2536.
CHARLES J. RYAN, Democrat, District 24. Born in Southbridge, Massachusetts,
September 15, 1936. Attended Mary E. Wells High School, Southbridge, Mass.; Ed-
mund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, BSFS, 1958;
University of Maryland, M.A., 1974. College professor. Member, Prince George's
County Democratic Committee, elected 1970, 1974; vice-chairman. Democratic Par-
ty, State of Maryland, 1976 - 1978; Prince George's County Human Relations Com-
mission, 1968 - 1971. President, Bowie YMCA; Board of Directors, Prince George's
County Mental Health Association; Board of Directors, Prince George's County Co-
alition for Support of the Handicapped; chairman, Maryland Track and Field Devel-
opment Association. Recipient, Potomac Valley AAU Gold Certificate Award, 1977;
Special Citation for Promoting Sports Among Youth, President's Council on Physi-
cal Fitness and Sports, 1978 Married, 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1978 District office: 3007 Bendix Lane, Bowie 20715; tel. 262-2675 Annapolis
office: 208 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel 269-2741.
THOMAS A. RYMER, Democrat, District 30A. University of Maryland; Cornell
University, BCE; George Washington School of Law, J.D. World War II veteran.
Town attorney for North Beach; attorney for Calvert County Board of Education;
president, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland. Past and present civic and
service memberships include State of Maryland and Calvert County Bars; Deale Elks
Club; South Anne Arundel Businessmen's Association, South County Democratic
Club; Calvert County Lions Club; PTA, Board of Trade; Taxpayers' Association;
Democratic Club; VFW, American Legion. Married. State's Attorney for Calvert
County, 1966- 1970. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971 District office:
Box 283, Calvert Executive Plaza, Prince Frederick 20678; tel. 535-1070, D.C. line
885-6378. Annapolis office: 214 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-2342.