826'•/'Maryland Manual
Governor, shall have directed or shall direct to
be investigated, commenced and prosecuted or
(3) When required by the General Assembly
by law or joint resolution, or by the Governor,
aid any State's Attorney or other authorized
prosecuting officer in investigating, commenc-
ing, and prosecuting any criminal suit or action
or category of such suits or actions brought by
the State in any Court of this State.
(4) Give his opinion in writing whenever re-
quired by the General Assembly or either
branch thereof, the Governor, the Comptroller,
the Treasurer or any State's Attorney on any
legal matter or subject.
(b) The Attorney General shall have and per-
form any other duties and possess any other pow-
ers, and appoint the number of deputies or
assistants, as the General Assembly from time to
time may prescribe by law.
(c) The Attorney General shall receive for his
services the annual salary as the General Assem-
bly from time to time may prescribe by law, but
he may not receive any fees, perquisites or
rewards whatever, in addition to his salary, for
the performance of any official duty.
(d) The Governor may not employ any addi-
tional counsel, in any case whatever, unless au-
thorized by the General Assembly.
SEC. 4. No person shall be eligible to the of-
fice of Attorney-General, who is not a citizen of
this State, and a qualified voter therein, and has
not resided and practiced Law in this State for at
least ten years.
SEC. 5.^ In case of vacancy in the office of At-
torney-General, occasioned by death, resignation,
removal from the State, or from office, or other
disqualification, the Governor shall appoint a per-
son to fill the vacancy for the residue of the term.
SEC. 6."" It shall be the duty of the Clerk of
the Court of Appeals and the Clerks of any inter-
mediate Courts of Appeal, respectively, whenever
a case shall be brought into said Courts, in which
the State is a party or has interest, immediately to
notify the Attorney-General thereof.
The State's Attorneys.
SEC. 7."*' There shall be an Attorney for the
State m each county and the
"' Thus amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Novem-
ber 7, 1978.
'* Thus amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified Novem-
ber 7,1978. |
Article V
City of Baltimore, to be styled "The State's At-
torney", who shall be elected by the voters
thereof, respectively, and shall hold his office
for four years from the first Monday in January
next ensuing his election, and until his successor
shall be elected and qualified; and shall be re-el-
igible thereto, and be subject to removal there-
from, for incompetency, willful neglect of duty,
or misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a
Court of Law, or by a vote of two-thirds of the
Senate, on the recommendation of the Attorney-
SEC. 8. All elections for the State's Attorney
shall be certified to, and Returns made thereof,
by the Clerks of the said Counties and City, to
the Judges thereof, having criminal jurisdiction,
respectively, whose duty it shall be to decide
upon the elections and qualifications of the
Persons returned; and, in case of a tie between
two or more persons, to designate which of said
persons shall qualify as State's Attorney, and to
administer the oaths of office to the Person
SEC. 9."" The State's Attorney shall perform
such duties and receive such salary as shall be
prescribed by the General Assembly. If any
State's Attorney shall receive any other fee or
reward than such as is or may be allowed by
law, he shall, on conviction thereof, be removed
from office; provided, that the State's Attorney
for Baltimore City shall have the power to ap-
point a Deputy and such other assistants as the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City may authorize
or approve and until otherwise provided by the
General Assembly, the said State's Attorney,
Deputy and Assistants shall receive the follow-
ing annual salaries: State's Attorney, seven thou-
sand five hundred dollars; Deputy State's Attor-
ney, five thousand dollars; Assistant State's
Attorneys, four thousand dollars each; said sala-
ries, or such salaries as the General Assembly
may subsequently provide and such expenses for
conducting the office of the State's Attorney as
the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City may au-
thorize or approve shall be paid by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to the extent that
the total of them exceeds the fees of his office,
or as the General Assembly shall otherwise pro-
vide, and the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore shall not be liable for appearance fees
to the State's Attorney.
"' Thus amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified No-
vember 7,1978.
'" Thus amended by Chapter 545, Acts of 1976, ratified No-
vember 2,1976. |