788/Maryland Manual
of the said Kingdoms; and the same to trans-
port, by themselves, or their Servants or
Assigns, into the said PROVINCE, without the
Impediment or Molestation of US, our Heirs or
Successors, or of any officers of US, our Heirs
or Successors, (SAVING unto Us, our Heirs and
Successors, the Impositions, Subsidies, Customs,
and other Dues payable for the same Goods
and Merehandizes) any Statute, Act, Ordinance,
or other Thing whatsoever to the contrary not-
XII. BUT BECAUSE, that in so remote a Region,
placed among so many barbarous Nations, the
Incursions as well of the Barbarians themselves,
as of other Enemies, Pirates and Ravagers, proba-
bly will be feared, THEREFORE WE have Given,
and for US, our Heirs, and Successors, do Give
by these Presents, as full and unrestrained Power,
as any Captain-General of an Army ever hath
had, unto the aforesaid now Baron of
BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs and Assigns, by
themselves or by their Captains, or other Officers,
to summon to their Standards, or to array all
Men, of whatsoever Condition, or wheresoever
born, for the Time being, in the said Province of
MARYLAND, to wage War, and to pursue, even
beyond the Limits of their Province, the Enemies
and Ravagers aforesaid, infesting those Parts by
Land and by Sea, and (if GOD shall grant it) to
vanquish and captivate them, and the Captives to
put to Death, or, according to their Discretion, to
save, and to do all other and singular the Things
which appertain, or have been accustomed to ap-
pertain unto the Authority and Office of a Cap-
tain-General of an Army.
XIII. We also WILL, and by this our CHARTER,
do Give unto the aforesaid now Baron of
BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs, and Assigns,
Power, Liberty, and Authority, that, in Case of
Rebellion, sudden Tumult, or Sedition, if any
(which GOD forbid) should happen to arise,
whether upon Land within the PROVINCE afore-
said, or upon the High Sea in making a Voyage
to the said PROVINCE of MARYLAND, or in re-
turning thence, they may, by themselves, or by
their Captains, or other Officers, thereunto deput-
ed under their Seals (to whom WE, for US, our
Heirs and Successors, by these Presents, do Give
and Grant the hiliest Power and Authority) exer-
cise Martial Law as freely, and in as ample Man-
ner and Form, as any Captain-General of an
Army, by virtue of his Office may, or hath accus-
tomed to use the same, against the seditious
Authors of Innovations in those Parts, withdraw-
ing themselves from the Government of him or
them, refusing to serve in War, flying over to the
Enemy, exceeding their Leave of Absence, |
Deserters, or otherwise howsoever offending
against the Rule, Law, or Discipline of War.
XIV. MOREOVER, lest in so remote and far dis-
tant a Region, every Access to Honours and
Dignities may seem to be precluded, and utterly
barred. to. Men well born, who are preparing to
engage in the present Expedition, and desirous
of deserving well, both in Peace and War, of
US, and our Kingdoms; for this Cause, WE, for
US, our Heirs and Successors, do give free and
plenary Power to the aforesaid now Baron of
BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs and Assigns, to
confer Favours, Rewards and Honours, upon
such Subjects, inhabiting within the PROVINCE
aforesaid, as shall be well deserving, and to
adorn them with whatsoever Titles and Dignities
they shall appoint; (so that they be not such as
are now used in England) also to erect and in-
corporate Towns into BUROUGHS, and Buroughs
into CITIES, with suitable Privileges and Immuni-
ties, according to the Merits of the Inhabitants,
and Convenience of the places; and to do all
and singular other Things in the Premisses,
which to him or them shall seem fitting and
convenient; even although they shall be such as,
in their own Nature, require a more special
Commandment and Warrant than in these
Presents may be expressed.
XV. WE WILL also, and by these Presents do, for
US, our Heirs and Successors, give and grant Li-
cence by this our CHARTER, unto the aforesaid
now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and
Assigns, and to all Persons whatsoever, who are,
or shall be Residents and Inhabitants of the
PROVINCE aforesaid, freely to import and unlade,
by themselves, their Servants, Factors or Assigns,
all Wares and Merehandizes whatsoever, which
shall be collected out of the Fruits and Commodi-
ties of the said PROVINCE, whether the Product of
the Land or the Sea, into any the Ports whatsoev-
er of US, our Heirs and Successors, of England or
Ireland, or otherwise to dispose of the same there;
and, if Need be, within One Year, to be computed
immediately from the Time of unlading thereof, to
lade the same Merehandizes again, in the same, or
other Ships, and to export the same to any other
Countries they shall think proper, whether be-
longing to US, or any foreign Power which shall
be in Amity with US, our Heirs or Successors;
Provided always, that they be bound to pay for
the same to US, our Heirs and Successors, such
Customs and Impositions, Subsidies and Taxes, as
our other Subjects of our Kingdom of England,
for the Time being shall be bound to pay, beyond
which WE WILL that the Inhabitants of the afore-
said PROVINCE of the said Land, called MARY-
LAND, shall not be burdened. |