CARTER M. HICKMAN, Democrat, District 34. Born in Delaware, August 25,
1910. Attended Church Hill public schools; Washington College, B.S., 1931; Colum-
bia University, M.A., 1934; University of Maryland, Real estate broker. Farmer.
Former feed and grain dealer. Former high school teacher and principal. Member,
Governor's Commission to Study the Problems of Drug Addiction. Member, State
Board of Education Advisory Committee on Contemporary Issues. Director,
Chestertown Bank of Maryland. Member, Lions; Masons. Member, Board of
Trustees and Lay Delegate, Church Hill Methodist Church. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1963. Chairman, Capital Budget Committee, 1967 Session.
Chairman, Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review Committee since 1972.
Vice-chairman, Judiciary Committee since 1973. District office; Walnut Hill Farm,
Church Hill 21623; tel. 758-1687. Annapolis office: 404 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
SHEILA ELLIS HIXSON, Democrat, District 20. Born in L'Anse, Michigan, Feb-
ruary 9, 1933. Attended L'Anse public schools. Graduated from Northern State
Teachers College. Administrative assistant. Democratic National Committee. Mem-
ber, Montgomery County Democratic State Central Committee; National Capital
Democratic Club; Women's Suburban Democratic Club; Eastern Montgomery,
Kensington Wheaton Democratic Club; Plowmen and Fishermen, Montgomery
County. Member of the House of Delegates since 1976. District office; 1008
Broadmore Circle, Silver Spring 20904; tel. 384-4739. Annapolis office: 221 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-2651.
IRWIN F. HOFFMAN, Democrat, District 2B. Born in Cumberland, Allegany
County, January 10, 1927. Attended Hagerstown public schools. Served with U.S.
Navy, 1945. General insurance agent. Past Exalted Ruler, Lodge #378, B.P.O.E.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963. Vice-chairman, Environ-
mental Matters Committee, 1969-1978; vice-chairman. Natural Resources Com-
mittee, 1968; chairman, Washington County Delegation, 1975 —. District office:
232 S. Potomac St., Hagerstown 21740; tel. 739-7397. Annapolis office: 423 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3249.
PAULA COLODNY HOLLINGER, Democrat, District 12. Born in Washington,
D.C., December 30, 1940. Attended Calvin Coolidge High School, Washington, D.
C.; Mt. Sinai Hospital School of Nursing, New York, RN, 1961. Registered Nurse.
Delegate, Democratic National Convention, 1976; Baltimore County Commission for
Women (secretary, 1977-1978), 1977—. Member, American Nurses Association;
Maryland Nurses Association; Baltimore County Nurses Association. Former co-
chairperson, Pikesville League of Women Voters; former recording secretary,
Hernwood Improvement Association. Member, Beth Am Synagogue; B'nai B'rith
Women; National Council of Jewish Women. Married; 3 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 3708 Lanamer Rd., Randallstown
21133; tel. 922-3926 or 655-2525. Annapolis office: 305 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.