56/Maryland Manual
WILLIAM H. AMOSS, Democrat, District 5A. Born in Baltimore, December 2,
1936. Attended Harford County parochial and public schools; Harford Community
College; University of Maryland—Overseas; Missouri School of Auctioneering.
Auctioneer and appraiser. Served in the U.S. Army, 1955-1958. Member, Mary-
land Farm Bureau; Maryland and National Auctioneers Associations. Past director,
Bel Air Jaycees. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975. Member of
Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee. District office: 2037 Pleasantville
Rd., Fallston 21047; tel. 838-7555. Annapolis office: 310 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
TYRAS S. ATHEY, Democrat, District 32. Born in Burtonsville, Montgomery
County, March 30, 1927. Attended Montgomery County public schools. Served in
the U.S. Navy, 1945-1947. Member, Elks; Moose. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1967. Chairman, Anne Arundel County Delegation; chairman,
Assessments and Taxation; member. Policy Committee. Member of the Council of
State Governments and present chairman of the Environmental Quality and Natural
Resources Committee within the Council of State Governments; Maryland Legisla-
tive Representative to the Atlantic Marine Fisheries Commission; past chairman,
Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation. Chairman, Ways and Means Com-
mittee since 1979. Married; three children. District office: Box 379F, Rt. 2, Jessup
20794, tel. 799-2907 Annapolis office: 110 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel 269-3255.
R. CHARLES AVARA, Democrat, District 37. Born in Baltimore, January 11,
1932. Attended Baltimore public schools. Served in U.S. Navy, 1953-1956. Chair-
man, Special Committee on School Pupil Transportation; Committee to Set Mini-
mum Standards for Police Departments; Joint Capital Budget Committee, 1971 —
1976. Member, Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administra-
tion of Justice; Special High Impact Courts Committee; Mayor's Coordinating
Council on Criminal Justice. Vice-chairman, House Appropriations Committee.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967. Annapolis office: 131 Lowe
Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3834.
STEWART BAINUM, JR., Democrat, District 20. Born in Takoma Park, March
25, 1946. Attended Takoma Academy; Pacific Union College, B.A., 1968; University
of California at Los Angeles, M.B.A., 1970; Andrews University. Corporate execu-
tive. Chairman, Task Force on Public Transportation; Montgomery County Demo-
cratic Central Committee, 1977 - 1978; chairman, Dollars for Democrats Drive, Dis-
trict 20, 1977-1978 Member, Coalition United to Reform Elections. 1975. 1977.
Chairman of Executive Committee, Silver Spring Development Council, 1967 - 1977,
vice-president, 1977 - 1978. Member, Silver Spring Revitalization Task Force, 1978;
executive board member, Alliance for Democratic Reform, 1974 - 1975, 1977 - 1978.
Chairman of membership committee, Montgomery County Young Democrats, 1974.
Member of various other civic and political organizations. Unmarried. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. District office: 9039 Sligo Creek Parkway, Silver
Spring, 20901; tel. 589-8367. Annapolis office: 225 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-2651.