Cities and Towns
Planning, Building, and Inspection
Planning Commission
(Composed of 9 members, 7 appointed by the
Mayor with the consent of the City Council for
six-year terms, 3 ex officio. The Planning Di-
rector is appointed by the Commission.)
George L. Jude, Chairperson 1979
Richard Leionek 1979
0. Cheston Carey 1980
Sally Michel 1981
Archie M. Jones 1982
Charles S. Colson 1983
William D. Schaefer, Mayor, ex officio
Francis W. Kuchta, Director of Public Works,
ex officio
Larry Reich, Planning Director
Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals
(Composed of 5 members appointed by the May-
or with the consent of the City Council for
four-year terms)
Phillip Heller Sachs, Chairperson 1979
Gilbert V. Rubin, Executive Secretary
Department of Housing and Community
(As per Article 13, sec. 21, Baltimore City Code,
1976 ed„ 'and Article IV, sec. 6 of the Charter
of Baltimore City, 1964 Revision. The Commis-
sioner is appointed by and is directly responsi-
ble to the Mayor.)
M. J. Brodie, Commissioner
Director, Department of Public Works
(The Department of Public Works was reorga-
nized in 1968. The Bureaus of Engineering,
Consumer Services, Utility Operations, Inspec-
tion, and General Services were created by Or-
dinance 1097 of 1967. Each bureau head is
appointed by the Mayor. The Director is
appointed by the Mayor. Each division head is
appointed from within the civil service system.)
Francis W. Kuchta
Bureau of Engineering
William Riley, Head
Division of Water
Richard J. Kretzschmar, Chief
Division of Waste Water
Nelson A. Luthy, Chief
Division of Highways
William O'Keefe, Chief |
Baltimore City/527
Division of Utility Construction
Vacancy, Chief
Division of Surveys and Records
Joseph Melocik, Chief
Bureau of Consumer Services
George L. Parrish, Chief
Division of Applications and Licenses
Bertram S. Berman, Chief
Division of Customer Accounts
Melvin Thomas, Acting Chief
Division of Customer Service
John T. Caprio, Chief
Bureau of Operations
Theodore M. Andriotis
Special Services
Marco L. Palughi, Chief
Water Supply, Treatment, and Pumping
Walter J. Koterwas
Waste Water Treatment and Pumping
Jerol D. Wingeart
Division of Highway Maintenance
Saverio Cortese, Chief
Utilities Maintenance
Lawrence Hudson, Chief
Edward J. Moore, Chief
Bureau of Construction Management
Edward R. Oppel, Chief
Building Inspection
George A. Goetzke, Jr., Chief
Joseph T. Meisel, Chief
Bureau of General Services
Vacancy, Chief
Building Operations and Maintenance
William E. Mantler, Chief
Motor Vehicles and Mechanical Shops
Donald Wilcut, Chief
Abandoned Vehicles
Charles Burke, Chief |