County Agencies
Marion L. Butler ................ .1983
Wamer Wilson ...................1983
Superintendent of Schools
Francis A. Ruffo ................
Library Board
Ruth C. Westfall, President ..........1981
Mrs. Richard Ward, Vice-President . . . . .1982
Mrs. William C. Mariner, Secretary . . . . .1979
Mrs. George H. Dryden, Treasurer . . . . .1981
Judy Quillen ....................1980
Donald F. McCabe ............... .1982
Hance V. Cherrix ................ .1983
Claudya Muller .................
Social Services Board
George E. Young, Jr., Chairperson ....
Ethel M. Bowen .................
Richard Bundick ................
Oscar S. Chandler................
Marion Delano..................
Pauline Pilchard .................
Fay Thorns
Rev. Thomas Wall ...............
Director of Social Services
Baine Yates ....................
Planning and Zoning C.nmmisswn
Edward Phillips, Chairperson ........
Edward R. Bounds ...............
Harry Cherrix ..................
R. Blaine Smith .................
W. David Stevens
Harold W. Morris, Planning Director . . .
Zoning Appeals Board
Dwight E. Campbell ..............
Cashar J. Hickman ...............
Robert B. Jackson ...............
Ruth H. Spinak .................
Randolph F. Wilkerson ............
Elbridge Murray, alternate ..........
Zoning Inspector
Jennings Quillin .................
Shoreline Commission
(Created by Chapter 690, Acts of 1965)
Gilbert Thompson ................1979
Edward McCabe .......1980
William Wimbrow ................1981
Norman R. Connell .............. .1982 |
Worcester County/519
John Scott ..................... 1982
Elizabeth Sanford ................
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners, ex officio
County Roads Engineer
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 221, Acts
of 1957)
E. Victor Smullen ................
Machine Licenses Inspector
(Appointed by the Board of County
James Dryden ...................
Fire Marshal
Edward S. Cropper ...............
Worcester County Bingo Board
(Appointed by the Governor as per Chapter
266, Acts of 1961)
Joseph F. Hill, Sr. ................ 1981
Jim Tilghman ......... 1983
Charles Parker, Jr. - . 1985
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Charles R. Jenkins, Chairperson ....... 1981
T. Earl Grant ................... 1981
Eiton J. Killmon ................. 1981
Jeff Mayne, Liquor License Inspector . . .
Virginia B. Nelson, Clerk ...........
Liquor Control Board
Rhem Lane .................... 1981
Michael D. Ward ................ 1981
Klein G. Leister ................. 1982
Sanitary Commission
William E. Steger, Chairperson .......
Norman F. Dennis ..... , ,.
George E. Young, Jr. ..............
Extension Agents
Agnes L. Dewey .................
Theodore A. Haas ................
George E. Monroe . , ,.. .,.
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Gerald F. Holloway, Chairperson ...... 1980
W. Dan Redden, Treasurer .......... 1981
Curtis Shockley (County appointee) ....
Clinton Hudson ................. 1979
Richard E. Jones ................. 1982
George E. Monroe, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) .............. |