County Agencies
Estimated Population, 1979:111,100
Area: 471 sq. miles
Circuit Court
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 791-3112
District Court
35 W. Washington St.
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 791-4740
Court Terms:
Circuit Court-Grand Jury and Petit Jury, second
Monday in March and September.
Orphans' Court Days-Tuesdays and Fridays
Circuit Court Resident Judges
John P. Corderman, Administrative Judge . 1993
Frederick C. Wright III............ .1980
Circuit Court Clerk
Vaughn J. Baker ..................1982
District Court Judges
J. Louis Boublitz, Administrative Judge . .1981
Daniel W. Moylan ............... .1989
Dixie L. Locates, Administrative Clerk . .
Orphans' Court Judges
Mary R. Baker, Chief Judge ..........1982
William M. Brewbaker ............ .1982
Edward L. Shank .,,,.,,....,..,, ,1982
Register of Wills
Thomas W. Parks .................1982
GlennL. Bowman .1982
State's Attorney
John S. Hollyday ................ .1982
District Public Defender
William R. Leckemby, Jr. ..........
Board of County Commissioners
Summit Avenue
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 791-3090
Meeting Day: Tuesday, 10:00 A.M. |
Washington County/513
Board of County Commissioners
Martin L. Snook, President . . . 1982
Ronald L. Bowers ................ 1982
R. Lee Downey .................. 1982
Burton R. Hoffman 1982
Charles F. Wagaman, Jr. ...........1982
Barry A. Teach, County Administrator . .
Kathryn F. Short, Clerk ............
W. Warren Stultz, Attorney ..........
Harry C. Snook ................. 1982
Supervisor of Assessments
Robert A. Ludwig ,, , ...,.
Property Tax Assessment Appeal Board
Robert H. Nichols, Chairperson ....... 1981
Jack M. Ebersole ................. 1982
Millard C. Angleberger ............1983
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Virgil E. Banzhoff ................ 1981
Douglas G. Bast ................. 1981
Charles Downey ................. 1981
M. Kenneth Long, Jr., substitute ...... 1981
Frederick R. Sword, substitute ........ 1981
Permanent Board of Registry
Daris M. Phillips.................
Dorothy M. Waters ...............
Director of Civil Defense
William G. Porter, Jr.
Deputy Medical Examiner
Edward W. Ditto, M.D. ............
Health Officer
Paul V. Joliet, M.D., M.P.H. ........
Advisory Board of Health
Charles Rouzer, President..
School Board
Robert Barnhart ................. 1982
Donald C. Brake ................. 1982
B. Marie Byers .................. 1982
Peter Callas .................... 1982
Charles Mackert ................. 1982
Superintendent of Schools
Claude Kitchens .................
Hagerstown Junior College, Board of Trustees
E. Leister Mobley, Jr„ Chairperson ....
William E. King, Jr., Vice-Chairperson . .
Atlee C. Kepler, Secretary-Treasurer. . . .
William dowser .......... ,.... |