County Agencies
Zoning Administrator
Wayne Gardner ..... ........
Board of Recreation and Parks
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 159, Acts
of 1973)
Charles Stephens, Chairperson ....... .1979
Charles Cakarian, Vice-Chairperson . ... .1980
Lemuel H. Benton, County Commissioner
Daniel Bratcher, Jr. ............ . .1979
Marlin Clevenger .................1980
JohnKocur ...1980
Julius Grollman ..................1981
Janie Anthony ...................1982
Steven Sewell ....................1983
Robert B, Sallitt, Director ..........
Director of Public Works
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 356, Acts
of 1973. The Department of Public Works
was created by Chapter 851, Acts of
Lawrence Morris ................
Roads Board .....................
Board of County Commissioners, ex
officio ........................
County Roads Engineer
(Appointed by the Board of County
Joe Brice ......................
Plumbing Board
James Morris, Chairperson ..........
Ralph Clough ..................
Fred Coursey ...................
Royden R. Curlett ...............
C. Windsor Hastings ..............
William R. Maule, Sr. .............
Plumbing Inspector
Ralph Clough ..................
Board of Electrical Examiners
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 400, Acts
of 1969)
William R. Maule, Jr., Chairperson ....
Clarence Booze .................
Noah M. Skinner, Jr. .............
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
William R. Maule, Jr., Chairperson . . . . .1980
Dr. William Connor .............. .1980
Louis S. Crouch ................. .1980
Charles E. Smith, Attorney .......... |
Queen Anne's County/505
H, Wrightson Tolson, Inspector .......
Nancy R. Jones, Clerk .............
Economic Development Commission
David Steel, Sr„ Chairperson .........
Agricultural Preservation Committee
dark 0. Nicholson ............... 1981
Allen Cohey .................... 1982
C. Olin Jarrell, Jr. ................ 1982
J. Thomas Rhodes ... ..1983
Alfred White ........ 1983
Extension Agents
Dian N. Council)................
James M. Downes ..... ,,,
Susan A. Fry ...................
Paul L. Gunther ...-
Ingrid H. Holmes ................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
George H. Godfrey, Chairperson ...... 1980
Royden N. Powell, Sr. (County
appointee) ...........
John Murdoch, Treasurer . 1982
C. Frank Boyle .................. 1979
J. Tilghman Bishop ............... 1981
Paul L. Gunther, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting)..............
County Seat: Leonardtown 20650
Origin: It was here that the passengers on the
Ark and the Dove landed at St. Clement's Is-
land on Annunciation Day, March 25, 1634.
St. Mary's, the first Maryland county, was
established in 1637, probably by an order of
the Governor.
Name: Named in honor of the Virgin Mary.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
Population, 1970: |