500/Maryland Manual
Floyd E. Wilson, Jr„ at large .........1982
Jean M. Schmuhl, Clerk to the Council .
Lionell M. Lockhart, Legislative Officer .
Samuel E. Wynkoop, Jr., Council
Administrator . . . .. . . ..
Chief Administrative Officer
Kenneth V. Duncan ..............
Office of Finance
William R. Brown, Director .........
Supervisor of Assessments
Harry S. Shipp, Jr. ...............
Property Tax Assessment Appeals Board
Edmund W. Rupert, Chairperson ......1982
Harry E. Taylor, Jr. ...............1979
Richard A. Palumbo .............. .1981
Office of Budget and Programming
(Appointed by the County Executive with the
consent of the County Council)
Robert 0. Duncan, Director .........
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Charles Deegan ..................1981
Mary E. Devaney ................ .1981
Estelle Wood ....................1981
James P. Conroy, substitute ..........1981
Lona B. Hatter, substitute ...........1981
Melissa Martin, substitute ...........1981
Permanent Board of Registry
Margaret McDonald ..............
Shirky Rdo ....................
Office of Law
Robert B. Ostrom, County Attorney ....
Police Department
(Appointed by the County Executive with
the consent of the County Council)
John W. Rhoads, Chief ............
Fire Department
(Appointed by the County Executive with
the consent of the County Council)
Marion H. Estepp, Chief ...........
Rafael J. Nieves, Deputy Chief ....... |
Division of Fire and Rescue Communications
(Appointed by the Council Executive with
the consent of the County Council)
James 1. Mundy, Communications Officer
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
John T. Fusion, Chief ... ,,,,
Bureau of Fire Suppression
Walter S. Lanier, Chief. ............
Bureau of Support Services
Edward E. Tauber, Chief ...........
Division of Training
Capt. Warren E. Peter, Training Officer .
Fire Marshal
Ward W. Caddington, Jr. ...........
Fire Commission
(Elected annually by the volunteer fire com-
panies of Prince George's County)
Ralph N. Small..................
Department of Corrections
Weldon MePhail, Ph.D., Director ......
Office of Emergency Preparedness
R. Hal Silvers, Director . ... ..
Stephen E. Hannestad, Deputy Director . .
Deputy Medical Examiner
Augusto T. Rodriguez, M.D. ........
Health Officer
Donald K. Wallace, M.D. ...........
Department of Hospitals and Health Services
William A. Parker, Director ..........
Joan Nolan, Deputy Director .........
Raleigh Cline, Chief Executive Officer,
Prince George's General Hospital—Medical
Center ........................
Michael Kitchen, Chief Executive Officer,
Greater Laurel Beltsville Hospital ......
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Peggy Rae Pavlot, Chairperson .......
School Board
Doris A. Eugene, Dist. 1 ........... 1980
Lesley Kreimer, Dist. 2 ............ 1982
Chester E. Whiting, Dist. 3.......... 1980
Susan B. Bieniasz, Dist. 4 ........... 1980
A. James Golato, Dist. 5 ........... 1982 |