Mildred Finlon......... 1983
Margaret Moran..................1983
Assistant Administrator
Gary Vaughn ...................
Social Services Board
Wilhelmina Lyons, Chairperson ....... .1979
George Weems, County Commissioner . .
Mary Dunbar ...................1979
Ethel Adams ....................1980
Lloyd Robertson .................1980
Charlotte Hayman ................1981
Irene B.Williams .................1981
Blanche Wilson ..................1981
Margaret Nelson .................1982
Director of Social Services
Olin A. Dovel, Jr.. ...............
Commission on Aging
Basil Pitzen, Chairperson ........... .1982
Planning Commission
Maurice Dunkle, Chairperson ........ .1979
George Weems ...................1980
Isabelle Berezoski .................1981
Gregory Bowen ..................1981
VedaTaylor ....................1982
Earl Thorne .....................1982
Charles Howes .................. ,1983
Historic District Commission
Richard Sinclair, Chairperson ........ .1980
Zoning Appeal Board
C. Raymond Whittington ...........1980
Rev. John Williams ............... .1980
Two vacancies...................
Sanitary Commission
Edgar Woodburn, Chairperson ....... .1982
John Harms, Vice-Chairperson ....... .1982
Board of Electrical Examiners and Supervisors
(Appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Senate as per Chapter
367, Acts of 1967)
James Swicklas ...................1981
Hugh Wells .....................1981
Dennis Wood .......1981
Road Supervisor
Mike Moore ...................
Building Board .. . ... .,
(Appointed by the Board of County
Not yet appointed. ................ |
Industrial Park Authority
(Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners as per Chapter 143, Acts
of 1969)
Jesse Reid, Chairperson ............1979
Gordon Tnieman, County Commissioner .
Ellen Bowen .................... 1979
Eugene Wood ...................1979
Prentiss Porter................... 1980
Thornton Toye .................. 1980
Kenneth F. Gerard ............... 1981
Housing Authority
(Annotated Code of Maryland, Art. 25, sec. 3)
Jesse Reid, Chairperson ............ 1979
Economic Development Commission
(Appointed by the Board of County
Eugene F. Wood, Chairperson ........1979
Board of Parks & Recreation
Vernon Garner, Chairperson ......... 1979
Fair Board
(Appointed by the Board of County
William H. Hatfield, President ........
Department of Inspections and Permits
(Appointed by the Board of County
William C. Campbell, Director ........
Building Inspectors
Amos Bowen ...................
James Dowell ...................
Electrical Inspectors
lrving Traband ..................
John E. White........
Plumbing Inspectors
Dillard Campbell.................
Burley Maggard .................
Grading Inspectors
Calvert Norfolk..................
James Wood ....................
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Carl Barrett .................... 1981
J. Raymond Gibson ............... 1981
John W. Williams, Jr. ............. 1981
Plumbing Board
(Appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Senate as per Chapter
359, Acts of 1967) |