Central Services Officer
(Appointed by the Director of Administration)
Thomas B, Cotton ...............
Purchasing Agent
(Appointed by the Director of Administration)
Richard A. Conway ..............
Buildings and Grounds
(Appointed by the Director of Administration)
Egnice R. Kriger ................
Data Processing
(Appointed by the Director of Administration)
Hugh Carrington ................
Extension Agents
Gaston C. Finney, Agricultural Agent . .
Joanne Bordelon.................
Phyllis H. Bryant ................
G. Timothy Dyson ...............
G. David Hitchcock ..............
Carol Ligon .....'........,......
Connie Pergerson ................
Ella Smart .....................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Ray F. Chapman, (County appointee)
Chairperson ....................
Abbie Ringenbach, Vice-Chairperson . . . .1981
Edward 0. Shepherd, Secretary ........1982
William 0. Bodenstein, Treasurer ......1979
Clifton Wayson ..................1980
1. Preston Isaacs, District Manager ........
County Seat: Towson 21204
Origin: The legal origin of Baltimore County is
not known, but it was in existence by January
12, 1659/60 when a writ was issued to the
sheriff of the county.
Name: The name of this county like that of
Baltimore City, derives from the Proprietary's
Irish Barony.
Form of Government: Charter (1956)
Population, 1970:
Baltimore County ................621,871
Dist. 1 .... 63,643
Dist. 2 ...................... 55,618 |
Dist. 3... ......... 38,305
Dist. 4....................... 30,691
Dist. 5........ ............ ,3,120
Dist. 6.... 2,076
Dist. 7 ........................4,714
Dist. 8 .... 38,568
Dist. 9....... . .. 102,367
Dist. 10... . .... 5,467
Dist. 11 ...................... 26,614
Dist. 12 .. ... 72,261
Dist. 13 ........... 40,647
Dist. 14 ............ 36,409
Dist. 15 ..................... 101,191
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Estimated Population, 1979:649,300
Area: 638 sq. miles
Circuit Court:
County Courts Building
401 Bosley Avenue
Towson 21204 Telephone: 494-3100
District Court:
111 Allegheny Ave.
Towson 21204 Telephone: 321-3300
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, sec-
ond Monday in January, May, and September.
Orphans' Court Days—Monday through Friday,
10 A.M. - 12:00 noon.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
John E. Raine, Jr„ Chief Judge ....... 1987
Frank E. Cicone, Administrative Judge . . 1989
Austin W. Brizendine, Sr. ...........1980
Cullen H. Hormes ................ 1980
Walter R. Haile ................. 1983
John N. Maguire ................. 1983
Edward A. DeWaters, Jr. 1991
Marvin J. Land .................. 1991
Paul E. Alpert .................. 1993
William R. Buchanan .............. 1993 |