County Engineer
A. Gerald Arthur ... ,..
Water Commission
(Created by Chapter 507, Acts of 1971)
John L. Feidmann ................1979
Lawrence F. Kyle ................ .1979
Ray Wilt. 1979
Fred Q. Clapper ................. .1980
Charles E. George ................1980
June Neder .....................1980
Thomas Nelms ...................1980
George Waingold .................1980
Charles R. Baker .................1981
David Linn .....................1981
Extension Agents
Charles Babich, Jr. . . .
Charles J. D. McVeigh
Cynthia Morral .................
Mary P. Wise .........
Janet Wunderlick ................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Wilbert R. Paul, Chairperson .........1980
Gary Teter, Vice-Chairperson .........1981
Paul H. Browning .... ..1979
LeeHeavner 1981
Theodore Stegmaier (County appointee) .
Charles J. D. McVeigh, Jr., County
Agricultural Agent, Secretary (non-voting)
County Seat: Annapolis 21404
Origin: Created by Chapter 8, Acts of 1650
(April Session).
Name: The county was named for the Lady Anne
Arundel, wife of Cecilius, Second Lord Balti-
more and founder of the Colony of Maryland.
Form of Government: Charter (1964)
Population, 1970: |
Anne Anindel County ............. 297,539
Dist. 1 14,207
Dist. 2....................... 25,312
Dist. 3....................... 96,127
Dist. 4....................... 55,098
Dist. 5....................... 60,868
Dist. 6.......... 35,079
Dist. 7.............. 5,310
Dist. 8 ............. 5,538
Estimated Population, 1979:384,453
Area: 458 sq. miles
Circuit Court:
P. 0. Box 71
Church Circle
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 224-1398
or 224-1397
District Court:
Rowe Blvd. and Taylor Ave.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2611
Court Terms:
Circuit Court-Grand Jury-first Tuesday in
March for a six-month term and first Tuesday
in September for a six-month term; Petit Jury-
tirst Tuesday in March tor a six-month term in
which jurors sit one week out of every two.
Orphans' Court Days-Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. and Thursdays, 10:00 a.m, to 12:00 noon.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
E. Mackall Childs, Administrative Judge . 1981
James L. Wray .................. 1987
Nathaniel W. Hopper .............. 1991
Morris Turk .. ......... 1991
Bruce C. Williams ................ 1991
H. Chester Goudy, Jr. ............. 1993
Raymond G. Thieme .............. 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
W. Garrett Larrimore ............. 1982
District Court Judges
Thomas J. Curley, Administrative Judge . 1982
George M. Taylor ................ 1980
Robert S. Heise .................. 1981
Vernon L. Neilson ............... 1981
Martin A. Wolff ................. 1987
Robert N. Lucke, Sr. .............. 1987
John W. Hiseley, Administrative Clerk . . |