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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 450   View pdf image (33K)
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terms except in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Fred-
erick, Harford, Montgomery, and Prince George's
counties, and Baltimore City. In Anne Arundel
County the Board has eight members, including a
student member who serves for one year. In
Baltimore City the Board is appointed by the
Mayor and City Council. In Baltimore County
there is a nine-member board, eight members of
which each represent a different legislative dis-
trict, and one member of which represents the
county at large. In Frederick County Board
members serve five-year terms. In Harford Coun-
ty five of the seven members are appointed by the
Governor for five-year terms and two members
are appointed by the Harford County Board of
Education, from among its members, for one-year
terms. In Montgomery and Prince George's
counties there are eight-member boards both of
which include a student member who serves for
one year. In Montgomery County members, ex-
cept. for the student member, are appointed with
the advice and consent of the Senate. In Prince
George's County the student member is elected
by the community college student body (Code
Education Article, sees. 16-201, 16-501 through
Boards of Library Trustees: Boards of library
trustees consist of seven members. Each Board
member serves a five-year term and may not
serve for more than two consecutive terms. In
Montgomery County the Library Board is
appointed by the County Executive with County
Council approval for six-yeai uvci lapping terms;
in Anne Arundel and Wicomico counties the
Board itself makes appointments for three year
overlapping terms and in Talbot County, for
four-year terms. In Queen Anne's County the Li-
brary Corporation elects the Board for six-year
terms from its own membership, which consists
of those who have contributed one dollar or more
to the Library Corporation during the preceding
year. in Washington County the Board is self-
perpetuating and the terms are for life or until
resignation (Education Article, sees. 23-301
through 23-303).
Librarian (or Library Director): Appointed by the
Board of Library Trustees, except in Montgomery
County where the County Executive makes the
appointment upon the recommendation of the Li-
brary Board and with the consent of the County
Council (Code 1957, Art. 77, sec. 174).
Social Services Board: Consists of nine members
appointed by the governing body of the County
for three-year terms. One member must be a
member of the governing body of the county
(Code 1957, Art. 88A, sec. 14).

Director of Social Services: Appointed by the
County Social Services Board (Code 1957, Art.
88A, sec. 14A).
Commissions on the Aging: Appointed by the
governing body in each county for indefinite
terms (Code 1957, Art. 70B).
Children's Councils: Appointed by the chief execu-
tive officer of each county and Baltimore City as
per Chapter 426, Acts of 1978. The Children's
Councils are a part of the Maryland Office for
Children and Youth (Code 1957, Art. 49D, sec. 4).
Planning and Zoning Commissions: Consists of
five to seven members, including one member of
the governing body of the county who serves ex
officio. Members are appointed by the local legis-
lative body or by the County EAcuulive. The term
of the ex officio member corresponds to his term
of office on the county governing body. The re-
maining members serve five-year terms. In
Allegany County the Commission consists of sev-
en members who serve five-year terms (Code
1957, Art. 66B, sec. 3.02).
Planning Directors: Appointed by the Planning
and Zoning Commission for indefinite terms. In
Howard County the Director is appointed by the
County Executive, and in Harford County by the
County Executive with Council confirmation
(Code 1957, Art. 66B, sec. 3.04).
Board of Zoning Appeals: Consists of three or five
members appointed for three-year staggered terms
by the governing body of the county (Code 1957,
Art. 66B, sec. 4.07).
Historic District Commissions: Consists of from
three to seven persons, all of whom are qualified
by a special interest in history, architecture, ur-
ban design, or other relevant fields. Members are
appointed by the governing body of the county
for three-year terms and may be reappointed
(Code 1957, Art. 66B, sec. 8.03).
Sanitary Commissions: Consists of three members
appointed by the governing body of the county
for six-year terms, one term expiring every two
years. In Allegany County the Commission
consists of seven members appointed for six-year
terms. In Garrett and Somerset counties each
Commission consists of five members. In Charles
County the Commission consists of three
members appointed for four-year terms (Code
1957, Art. 43, sec. 649).
Economic Development Commissions: Appointed
by resolution of the local governing authority.

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 450   View pdf image (33K)
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