authority of both these counties is vested in the
County Council in executive session.
County Councils: Elected by the voters for four-
year terms. In each county except Harford Coun-
ty, where the voters elect the presiding officer, all
presiding officers are chosen by the County
Council itself (Const. 1867, Art. XI-A, sec. 3;
Code 1957, Art. 25A, sees. 2-3).
Secretary to County Councils: Appointed by the
Council for an indefinite term. In Prince George's
County the position is called the Clerk to the
County Council (Code 1957, Art. 25A, sec. 5(Q)).
County Boards of Appeals: In the charter counties,
members are appointed by the County Council to
serve such terms as may be provided in that
county's charter. In Anne Arundel County the
Board consists of five members who serve four-
year terms. In Baltimore County the Board has
three members and two alternate members who
serve for three years. In Howard County the
Board has three members who serve for three
years. In Montgomery County terms are for three
years. In Talbot County the Board consists of
five members appointed by the Council for three-
year tenrii, (Code 1957, Art. 25A, see. 5(U)).
Directors of Administration: In Anne Arundel
County the County Executive makes the appoint-
ment. In Wicomico and Talbot counties it is by
the County Council. In all other counties the
County Executive makes the appointment subject
to Council approval. In Talbot County the Coun-
ty Manager is the chief administrative officer and
is appointed by the Council.
Directors of Finance: In Anne Arundel County the
position is called the Controller and the appoint-
ment is made by the Director of Administration.
In Baltimore County he is appointed by the
County Administrative Officer with the consent
of the County Executive. In Howard County he
is appointed by the County Executive. In Mont-
gomery and Prince George's counties he is
appointed by the Executive with the approval of
the County Council. In Wicomico County he is
appointed by the Administrative Director subject
to confirmation by the County Council. In Talbot
County the County Manager performs these
County Attorney: In Montgomery and Prince
George's counties he is appointed by the County
Executive subject to Council confirmation and in
Wicomico and Talbot counties by the Council. In
Anne Arundel, Harford, and Howard counties he
^ is appointed by the County Executive. |
Directors of Departments of Public Works:Tn Anne
Arundel, Harford, and Howard counties he is
appointed by the County Executive. In Baltimore
County he is appointed by the County Adminis-
trative Officer with the consent of the County Ex-
ecutive. In Montgomery and Prince George's
counties he is appointed by the County Executive
with Council approval. In Wicomico County he is
appointed by the Administrative Director. In Tal-
bot County the County Engineer performs that
Personnel Boards: In Anne Arundel County the
Board is appointed by the Director of Adminis-
tration. In Baltimore County it is appointed by
the County Executive and in Harford, Howard,
and Prince George's counties by the Executive
with Council confirmation. In Montgomery
County the Council makes the appointments, and
in Wicomico County they are made by the Coun-
cil in Executive session. In Talbot County the
Manager performs that function.
Boards of County Commissioners: Elected by the
voters for four-year terms. The number of
Commissioners for each county varies (Const.
1867, Arts. VII, XVII; Code 1957, Art. 25).
Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners:
Appointed by the Board of County Commis-
sioners. In Dorchester and Frederick counties, the
office is known as the Administrative Assistant to
the Board of County Commissioners (Chapter 63,
Acts of 1972; Code 1957, Art. 25, sec. 1).
Attorney to the Board of County Commis-
sioners: Appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners (Code 1957, Art. 25, sec. 1).
County Treasurers: Elected by the voters for four-
year terms (Const. 1867, Art. XVII; Code 1957,
Art. 25, sees. 51, 51-A).
Supervisor of Assessments: Appointed by the State
Department of Assessments and Taxation for an
indefinite term from a list of five persons submit-
ted by the Boards of County Commissioners or
County Councils, the Mayor of Baltimore City,
or the County Executive with Council approval
(Code 1957, Art. 81, sec. 233). |