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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
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362/Maryland Manual
to the Maryland Bar, 1938 Served in the US Naval
Reserve Member, Maryland State Bar Association
State's attorney for Talbot County, 1947-1955, stand-
ing examiner in chancery. Circuit Court for Talbot
County, 1940-1966 Charter president, Easton Lions
Club, Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club, Talbot Country
Club Board of Directors and Executive Committee,
Memorial Hospital, Easton, a founder and current
vice-president, Bethany House, Inc Marned, 2 chil-
ALBERT P. CLOSE. Third Judicial Circuit, 1967 —
Born in Bel Air, February 21, 1918 Attended St James
School, Hageistowl, St John's College, BA., 1938,
University of Maryland, LLB, 1942 Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1946 Served in the US Manne Corps
Member, American, Maryland State, and Harford
County Bar Associations Tnal Magistrate and judge of
the Peoples Court, Harford County Member, Susque-
hanna Law Club Marned, 8 children
cuit, 1977 — Born in Hagerstown, May 14, 1942
Attended Hagerstown public schools, Hagerstown Ju-
nior College, University of Maryland, BA, 1965, Uni-
versity of Maryland School of Law, J D , 1968 Admit-
ted to the Maryland Bar, 1968 Member, American,
Maryland State, and Washington County Bar
Associations Deputy State's Attorney, Washington
County, 1971-1974 Maryland State Senate, 1975-
1977 Washington County Outstanding Young Man,
1974, Legislator of the Year, Maryland State's
Attorneys Association, 1976 Marned, 3 children
EDWARD A. DeWATERS, JR. Third Judicial Circuit,
1972 — Born in Havre de Grace, October 28, 1938
Attended Georgetown Prep, Fordham University, B S S ,
1960, University of Maryland School of Law, J D , 1964
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1964 Member, Maryland
State and Baltimore County Bar Associations Former as-
sistant state's attorney, Baltimore County, executive as-
sistant state's attorney, Baltimore County, deputy state's
attorney, Baltimore County, associate judge, Distnct
Court of Maryland Part-time professor, Towson State
University Past president, Gunpowder/Kingsville Opti-
mist Club, chairman, Public Relations Committee, St
Stephens Catholic Church, chairman. Young Lawyers
Committee, member, Library Committee of Baltimore
County Bar Association, member, Ethics Committee,
Baltimore County Bar Association Marned, 2 children
PAUL A. DORF. Eighth Judicial Circuit, WW —
Born in Baltimore, June 29, 1926 Attended Forest Park
High School, University of Maryland, George Washing-
ton University, University of Maryland School of Law,
LLB, 3D, 1951 Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1950 Served in the US Naval Air Force Member,
vanous bar, social, and fraternal organizations Assis-
tant city solicitor, Baltimore, 1951 - 1958, chief judge,

Circuit Court Biographies
Baltimore City Traffic Court, 1959-1960 Maryland
State Senate, 1960- 1968 Member, Governor's Adviso-
ry Board for Juvenile Services Author of articles on
law in hypnosis, acupuncture, and body language in
professional and medical journals Recipient, national
award by the Amencan Bar Association Law instructor
at Baltimore law schools and presently an instructor in
paralegal courses at the University of Maryland Mar-
ned, 3 children
CHARLES E. EDMONDSON. First Judicial Circuit,
1975 — Born in Dorchester County, September 17,
1914 Attended Cambndge public schools, University
of Maryland, B A, 1936, University of Maryland
School of Law, LLB, 1940 Member, House of
Delegates, 1946-1947 State's attorney for Dorchester
County, 1947-1950, attorney for the City of Cam-
bndge, 1952-1962, member, Public Service Commis-
sion, 1961 - 1971, Distnct Court judge, 1971 - 1975
Marned, 2 children
Circuit, 1976 — Born in Los Angeles, California,
Apnl 24, 1912 Attended Caroline High School, Wash-
ington and Lee, Washington College of Law, LL B,
1938 Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1938 Member,
Amencan, Maryland State, Caroline County, and Sec-
ond Circuit Bar Associations, Amencan Judicature So-
ciety, Amencan and Maryland Bar Foundations Assis-
tant U S attorney for Maryland, 1941 - 1943, assistant
attorney general of Maryland, 1943- 1946, attorney for
Caroline County Commissioners, legal officer, Potomac
River Fishenes Commission, 1963-1975 Member,
Masons, Shnne, past president, Rotary Club of Denton,
Caroline Country Club Marned, 3 children
PHILIP M. FAIRBANKS. Sixth Judicial Circuit,
1973 — Born in St Johnsbury, Vermont, July 9,
1913 Attended Distnct of Columbia and Massachusetts
pnvate schools, Yale University, AB, 1935, George
Washington University, J D, 1938 Law Review Ad-
mitted to the Maryland Bar, 1948 Member, Maryland
State, Distnct of Columbia, and Montgomery County
Bar Associations, Amencan Judicature Society, Amen-
can Judges Association, International Academy of Tnal
Judges Montgomery County Board of Appeals, 1959-
1963, chief judge. Peoples Court, Montgomery County,
1966-1971, administrative judge, Maryland Distnct
Court, Montgomery County, 1971 - 1973 Herbert Lin-
coln Harley Award, Amencan Judicature Society, Wil-
liam Burnett Award, Amencan Judges Association,
Licorge Washington University Law Association Award
of Distinction, Distinguished Citizen of Maryland
Award President, Yale Club of Washington, DC,
1948-1949, trustee, St Johnsbury Academy, St
Johnsbury, Vermont, director, Amencan Judicature So-
, cicty, president, Amencan Judges Association, 1971 -
1972 Member, Rockville Rotary Club Marned, 4 chil-

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
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