326/Maryland Manual
Chairpenon: Charles H. Foelber, 1981
Vice-Chairpenon: Marshall W. Moore, 1982
Appointed members: Mrs. Joyce R. Phillip, 1979;
Walter M. Winn, Jr., (Student Member), 1979;
George T. Stansbury, M.D„ 1980; Edgar F.
Bennan, M.D., 1981; Dr. James A.
Sensenbaugh, 1981; James K. Archibald, 1983;
F. Perry Smith, Jr., 1983; Hon. J. Millard
Tawes, 1984; Col. George M. Brooks, 1985.
Jean E. Spencer, Executive Director
16 Francis Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3971
Chapter 41, Acts of 1963, established the
Board of Trustees of the State Colleges to direct
and manage the four-year public colleges of the
State. Chapter 917, Acts of 1976, redesignated
the governing board as the Board of Trustees of
the State Universities and Colleges, designated
the University of Baltimore as an upper division
academic institution, and redesignated Towson
State College as Towson State University contin-
gent upon the institution meeting the criteria for
name-change established by the State Board for
Higher Education. Chapter 538, Acts of 1976, in-
creased the membership of the Board of Trustees
to eleven members (ten public members, one stu-
dent member), all of whom are appointed by the
Governor, and removed the requirement that the
State Superintendent of Schools serve as an ex of-
ficio member. The incumbent public members of
the Board as of June 30, 1976, serve until the ex-
piration of their respective nine-year terms.
Thereafter, the non-student appointive members
serve for five-year terms and are eligible for
reappointment, but may not serve for more than
two full terms, including a term that commenced
prior to July 1, 1971. The student member must
be eighteen years of age or older and a full-time
undergraduate in good standing at a State college
or university at the time of appointment and
must possess the qualifications required to be
president of the student government at his institu-
tion. He serves a one-year term commencing July
1 of each year. The student member is appointed
from the various State colleges and universities in
the order of their date of chartering until all the
State colleges or universities have been represent-
ed, at which time the system of rotation is repeat-
ed (Code Education Article, sees. 14-101 through
14-401). |
The Board of Trustees submits an annual re-
port in January of each year to the Governor
and to the members of the General Assembly,
which includes a summary of the Board's major
activities for the previous year together with a
financial statement and other statistical data
(student enrollment, number of degrees
awarded, etc.) pertaining to the institutions un-
der its aegis.
The Board also publishes a manual for distri-
bution within the State University and College
System entitled Laws Relating to and Governing
Policies and Procedures of the Board of Trustees
of the State Universities and Colleges of Mary-
land. The purpose of the manual is to provide
administrative guidelines for the operation of
the State universities and colleges and it is
amended from time to time to reflect changes
in Board policy.
A Board of Visitors for each institution under
the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees of the
State Universities and Colleges was created by
Chapter 799, Acts of 1969, as amended by Chap-
ter 724, Acts of 1975. Each Board consists of
nine members, seven of whom are appointed by
the Governor for five-year staggered terms, one of
whom is a faculty member elected by the faculty
members of the college or university, and one of
whom is a student member elected by the student
body of the college or • university. The seven
appointed members are eligible for reappointment
but may not serve longer than ten years. The stu-
dent members serve one-year terms while the fac-
ulty members serve two-year terms. The individu-
al Boards elect their own chairpersons and other
officers as required.
Each Board assists the president of the college
or university in determining the goals of that in-
stitution and in an evaluation of the progress to-
ward such goals. Each also makes recommen-
dations and assists in the preparation of the an-
nual institutional budget, assists in the develop-
ment of institutional facilities, assists in the
conduct and development of community related
programs, assists in the development of commu-
nity and private support for the institution, and
assists in the selection of a president. Each Board
also carries out such responsibilities as may be
delegated to it by the Board of Trustees of the
State Universities and Colleges or by the presi-
dent of the institution (Code Education Article,
sec. 14-107). |