3 20/Maryland Manual
and foster cooperation and understanding regard-
ing utility matters among federal. State, and local
agencies, as well as private groups and consum-
ers. The Panel is also to advise the People's
Counsel on general goals for the development
of programs and render advice on specific
consumer goals and objectives in order to assist
the People's Counsel in formulating policy in
rate cases, investigations, and other matters in
which the People's Counsel may from time to
time be involved. The Utility Consumer Adviso-
ry Panel meets at times determined by its mem-
bership, and it must meet at least once every
three months with the commissioners of the
Public Service Commission and the People's
Counsel to render advice and assistance to
Chairperson: Cariton R. Sickles
Representing the Senate: Clarence W. Blount, Pe-
ter A. Bozick, Victor L. Crawford, Harry J.
McGuirk, Melvin Steinberg, Edward P.
Thomas, Vacancy.
Representing the House: Kay 0. Bienen, Vacan-
cy, Helen L. Koss, Vacancy, Donald B. Rob-
ertson, Casper Taylor, Jr., Larry Young.
Representing the Public Service Commission:
Thomas J. Hatem.
Representing People's Counsel: John K. Keane,
Representing the Public: Meyer M. Emanuel,
Wilson B. Stringer
Representing Industry: John H. Funkey, F. C.
Robert Hollmann, James J. Doyle, Jr., J. Wil-
liam Sarver
Representing Consumer Groups: Sylvia Hancock,
Nancy Smick Erwin
Representing Employee Groups: Raymond H.
Clarke, Roy W. Dickinson
Staff: Alan F. Deanehan, Executive Director;
Sharon Curl, Administrative Assistant
301 W. Preston Street
Room 1514
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4956 |
The Commission to Study the Public Service
Commission Law, established by Chapter 944,
Acts of 1977, is composed of twenty-seven
members appointed by the Governor. The mem-
bership includes seven members of the Senate and
seven members of the House of Delegates. These
legislative members represent the various geo-
graphical areas of the State. The Chairperson of
the Public Service Commission and the People's
Counsel are also members. Additional members
include two representatives each from industries
regulated by the Commission, industries affected
by any change in the law, consumer groups, em-
ployee groups, and the general public. The re-
maining member is appointed at large and is des-
ignated the Chairperson.
The Commission is to complete a thorough
review of the provisions of Article 78 to deter-
mine if any changes in the law or procedures and
regulations of the Commission are advisable.
Chairperson:"!. Hammond Welsh, Jr., 1983
Mrs. Felix Boone, 1979; Mrs. Jack Coopersmith,
1979; Norton T. Dodge, 1979; J. Frank Raley,
Jr., 1979; Mrs. Calvin Harrington, Jr., 1981; R.
Douglas Mathias, 1981; Mrs. William S.
Morsell, Jr., 1981; Richard D. Weigle, 1981;
Mrs. William P. Chaffinch, 1983; Rupert G.
Curry, 1983; M. Wayne Munday, 1983.
J. Renwick Jackson, Jr., President
St. Mary's City 20686 Telephone: 994-1600
St. Mary's College of Maryland was originally
chartered by Chapter 190, Acts of 1839, receiving
its present name by Chapter 59, Acts of 1964. It
is governed by a board of twelve trustees
appointed by the Governor for six-year terms. An
accredited junior college for many years, the Col-
lege became a four-year college of liberal arts and
sciences in September 1967. It granted its^ first
baccalaureate degrees, the Bachelor of Arts and
Bachelor of Science, in June 1971. Majors are of-
fered in art, biology, English, history, human de-
velopment, mathematics, music, natural science,
and social science. Students may also be trained
in professional education, which permits full cer-
tification as secondary school teachers under the
reciprocal State-Approved Programs Plan. A five-
year dual degree program in engineering is offered
in cooperation with the University of Maryland |